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John Maxwell

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  • 21 Qualities Of Leaders In The Bible


    Where do most people today turn for leadership? Some examine the world of politics. Some look for models in the entertainment industry. Many look to the world of business-to the successful stories of CEOs, management consultants, and theoreticians with PhDs. However, the truth is that the best source of leadership teaching today comes not from not any of these sources but from the one true source: the Word of God. The Bible is the greatest source on leadership that has ever been written.

    John Maxwell has spent decades researching and equipping others for leadership, and his primary source of leadership principles has always been the Word of God. In this workbook, he draws on the stories of the men and women in Scripture to show how they modeled what he calls “the 21 indispensable qualities of a leader.” He also shows how many of the people in the Bible failed to embody these leadership qualities, and how that affected them and, in some cases, entire populations of people.

    Sessions include in-depth studies on the leadership qualities of men and women such as Ruth, Boaz, Joshua, David, Abigail, Nathan, Elijah, Daniel, Stephen, John, Paul, James, and especially Jesus.

    Each session contains the following sections:
    *The quality: An overview of the quality and how it operates (includes quotes from the book and discussion questions based on the qualities covered)
    *Biblical example: An overview of the primary character in the Bible who demonstrated that quality or wrote about that quality
    *Another look: Bible study questions based on the highlighted passages
    *Highlighting the lesson: questions that focus on the central teaching points
    *Lasting implications: questions to help draw out personal conclusions
    *Daily assignments: five sets of questions that guide readers on how to put the qualities into effect during their week

    This workbook has been designed to enhance readers’ experience of working through John Maxwell’s leadership materials and is intended both for individual use and for small groups.

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  • Developing The Leader Within You 2.0 (Anniversary)


    In this thoroughly revised and updated 25th-anniversary edition of his now-classic work, John C. Maxwell reveals how to develop the vision, value, influence, and motivation required of successful leaders-now in paperback.

    Twenty-five years ago, John Maxwell published the book that forever transformed how we think about leadership. Developing the Leader Within You revolutionized the way leaders are made and in the process sold more than one million copies. Now John Maxwell returns to his classic text to include the leadership insights and practices he’s learned in the decades since the book first appeared. Thoroughly revised and with two completely new chapters, this new edition updates the foundational principles for transformative leadership that Maxwell has used as a leader for more than 40 years. No matter what arena you are called to?family, church, business, nonprofit?the principles Maxwell shares will positively impact your own life and the lives of those around you. New readers as well as longtime fans of Maxwell and the original book won’t want to miss out on this one.

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  • Developing The Leaders Around You


    Developing leadership qualities in others is the way to ensure success in today’s competitive world because the one asset that truly appreciates within any organization is people. People can grow, develop, and become more effective if they have a leader who understands their potential value.

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