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    • Dios Nunca Se Da Por Vencido C – (Spanish)


      Te has preguntado alguna vez si tienes demasiados tropiezos para que Dios utilice a alguien como tu? Si te puede beneficiar una historia de la gracia y la devocion incesante, indoblegable e inquebrantable de Dios, entonces la historia de Jacob es justo lo que necesitas.

      Dios nunca se da por vencido contigo es para los luchadores entre nosotros y para los ineptos que llevamos dentro. Para los que somos en parte santos y en parte sinverguenzas. Tenemos buenas intenciones, pero lo hacemos bien? Bueno, no siempre. Tenemos avances, sin duda, pero tambien fracasos, a menudo en la misma hora. No necesitamos que nos los recuerden. No los hemos olvidado. Sin embargo, podriamos usar un curso de actualizacion sobre el plan perfecto de Dios para utilizar a personas imperfectas.

      Y nadie es mas adecuado para la tarea que Jacob, el patriarca que se porto mal. Era menos un prodigio y mas un prodigo. Fuerte en inteligencia. Con poca conciencia. Dios utilizo a Jacob porque eligio utilizar a Jacob. Y punto. La palabra para tal devocion? Gracia. La gracia vino tras Jacob. La gracia lo encontro en el desierto. La gracia lo protegio en el exilio. La gracia le hizo caer al suelo y le bendijo. La gracia lo llevo a su casa en Canaan. La historia de Jacob nos invita a creer en un Dios que se queda con los indignos y los que no alcanzan el exito hasta que estamos a salvo en casa.

      God Never Gives Up on You

      Ever wonder if you have one too many stumbles for God to use someone like you? If you could benefit from a tale of God’s unending, unbending, unswerving grace and devotion, then the story of Jacob is just what you need.

      His Grace Never Quits is a book for the members of the Lost Halo Society. For the strugglers among us and the fumbler within us. For those of us who are part saint, part scoundrel. We mean well, but do well? Well, we don’t always. We have breakthroughs, for sure, but breakdowns as well, often in the same hour. We need no reminder of our failures. We have not forgotten them. But we could use a refresher course on God’s perfect plan to use imperfect people.

      And no one is more suited to the task than Jacob, the misbehaving patriarch. He was less a prodigy and more a prodigal. Strong on savvy. Low on conscience. God used Jacob because God chose to use Jacob. Period. The word for such devotion? Grace. Grace came after Jacob. Grace found him in the desert. Grace protected him in exile. Grace wrestled him to the ground and blessed him. Grace led him home

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    • Vivir Sin Mentiras – (Spanish)


      Sientes el peso de la guerra en tu propio corazon? El conflicto entre la verdad y la mentira, el espiritu y la carne? El camino de Jesus y el camino del mundo? Es tiempo de empezar a ganar, es tiempo de vivir sin mentiras…

      Estamos en guerra. No con otro pais ni con terroristas domesticos, ni con una nueva y siniestra inteligencia artificial, sino contra las mentiras. La decision no es entre pelear o no pelear, sino entre ganar o rendirnos.

      El problema no es que digamos mentiras, es que terminamos viviendolas

      Siguiendo las enseanzas de los discipulos de Jesus y aplicandolas al mundo moderno, el autor bestseller John Mark Comer combina el analisis cultural con la formacion espiritual e identifica el rol que juega la mentira en nuestras vidas y como devasta nuestro bienestar emocional. Este provocativo y practico libro ofrece la estrategia para combatirla, para no permitir que sabotee nuestra paz.

      The bestselling author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry equips readers to recognize the lies and resist the forces that seek to steal their happiness, wholeness, and holiness.

      “From all the deceytes of the worlde, the fleshe, and the deuill: God lorde deliuer us.” -The Book of Common Prayer, 1549 C.E.

      “As an experiment in psychology, basic instincts, and the effect of propaganda, it couldn’t be surpassed-!” -Emmet Riordan to Orson Welles, October 30, 1938

      Pastor John Mark Comer wants you to know that whether you want to be or not, you are at war. Not with foreign assailants or domestic terrorists. No, this is the sort of war you experience deep in your mind and body. It’s a war with the forces that seek to wreak havoc in your hearts and homes through subtle deceptions.

      For two millennia, apprentices of Jesus have been at war with three fierce and consistent adversaries of the soul: the world, the flesh, and the devil. To this day, they feed us deceptive ideas that appeal to disordered desires that harm our spiritual and relational well-being. In LIVE NO LIES, Comer parses out the tactics, strengths, and weaknesses of these enemies, giving you a clear battle plan and spiritual practices to outwit and overcome these seemingly ancient, yet very-much-alive adversaries.

      That tug-of-war in your chest for wholeness? Those lies that sabotage your peace? It’s time to identify them, and defeat them.

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    • No Le Des Al Enemigo Un Asient – (Spanish)


      En No le des al enemigo un asiento en tu mesa, Louie Giglio te ayuda a encontrar aliento, esperanza y fuerza en medio de cualquier valle mientras rechazas las voces enemigas de miedo, ira, lujuria, inseguridad, ansiedad, desesperacion, tentacion o derrota.

      Las Escrituras son claras: el enemigo es un mentiroso que no se detendra ante nada para tentarte para tomar malas decisiones y tener mentalidades autodestructivas, haciendote sentir temeroso, enojado, ansioso o derrotado. Es demasiado facil para Satanas tomar un asiento en la mesa destinada solo para ti y tu Rey. No obstante, puedes defenderte.

      No le des al enemigo un asiento en tu mesa describe las formas de superar esas mentiras para poder encontrar paz y seguridad en cualquier circunstancia o situacion desafiante. Con el mismo enfoque audaz y emocionante de las Escrituras que se emplea en Goliat debe caer y sus obras anteriores, el pastor Louie Giglio examina el Salmo 23 de maneras nuevas, destacando el versiculo 5: Preparas una mesa delante de mi en presencia de mis enemigos.

      Puedes encontrar libertad de la inseguridad, la tentacion y la derrota, si le permites a Jesus, el Pastor, liderar la batalla por tu mente y corazon. Este libro de guerra espiritual para aquellos que desconfian de los libros de guerra espiritual resonara con la pasion central de la tribu de Louie, asi como con cristianos de todas las edades que quieren vivir una vida triunfante en Dios.

      Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table

      In Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Louie Giglio helps you find encouragement, hope, and strength in the midst of any valley as you reject the enemy voices of fear, rage, lust, insecurity, anxiety, despair, temptation, or defeat.

      Scripture is clear: the Enemy is a liar who will stop at nothing to tempt you into poor decisions and self-defeating mindsets, making you feel afraid, angry, anxious, or defeated. It is all too easy for Satan to weasel his way into a seat at the table intended for only you and your King. But you can fight back.

      Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table outlines the ways to overcome those lies so you can find peace and security in any challenging circumstance or situation. With the same bold, exciting approach to Scripture as employed in Goliath Must Fall and his other previous works, pastor Louie Giglio examines Psalm 23 in fresh ways, highlighting verse 5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

      You can find freedom from

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    • Hombre Del Reino – (Spanish)


      Cuando un hombre sigue los principios de la hombria biblica, todos a su alrededor se benefician de su cuidado y de su liderazgo. Un hombre del reino desafia e equipa a los hombres a entender completamente su posicion bajo la autoridad de Dios asi como tambien su posicion sobre lo que Dios le ha dado. La definicion biblica de un hombre es aquel que ha aprendido a operar bajo la autoridad de Jesucristo llevando a cabo un liderazgo responsable y legitimo dentro de la esfera de influencia en la que Dios lo ha puesto. Un hombre del reino proporciona conceptos que los hombres pueden seguir y les ayuda a desarrollar al maximo calidades de caracter de la hombria biblica en sus vidas.

      When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence in which God has placed him.

      Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.

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    • Vida Con Proposito Edicion Amp (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


      The most basic question everyone faces in life is ‘Why am I here?’. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God—and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning ‘Purpose-Driven Church’ and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see ‘the big picture’ of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.

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