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    Christian Living

    • Transformed Heart Pamphlet


      Discover the signs of a heart truly transformed by the power of the gospel in Rose’s new pamphlet, The Transformed Heart. The Gospel has the power to transform hearts-hearts that were wounded, hardened, or that have grown cold. Whether you are a new or mature believer, God is interested in the condition and attitude of your heart. This pamphlet will deepen your understanding of what it means to follow Christ whole-heartedly. Features charts, simple summaries, and practical applications.

      *Charts, simple summaries, and practical applications
      *14 full-color pages with summaries and charts
      *A side-by-side look at healthy or hardened heart
      *Scripture references, definitions, and more

      Perfect for individual use, Bible studies, new believer’s classes, church giveaways, or to keep in your Bible to reference when someone has a question. Fits inside most Bibles covers. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches, full color, glossy coating. Folds out to 38 inches.

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    • Why Does God Allow Evil


      Grasping This Truth Will Change Your View of God Forever

      If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? Christians and non-Christians alike struggle with the concept of a loving God who allows widespread suffering in this life and never-ending punishment in hell. We wrestle with questions such as…
      *Why do bad things happen to good people?
      *Why should we have to pay for Adam’s sin?
      *How can eternal judgment be fair?

      Clay Jones, a professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University, takes an unflinching look at the Bible’s response to these questions and more. As you explore what Scripture truly says about the nature of evil, you’ll discover afresh the contrasting abundance of God’s grace, the overwhelming joy of heaven, and the extraordinary destiny of believers.

      Why does God allow evil? The answer might surprise you-and bring you to your knees.
      Meet the author

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    • Slow Down : Embracing The Everyday Moments Of Motherhood


      It’s an inevitable moment: your child reaches a new milestone, and you would give anything for time to simply slow down. Nichole Nordeman, bestselling Christian singer-songwriter and worship leader on the Belong Tour, captures these feelings and more in her new book Slow Down, based on the hit song that resonated with millions of parents around the world.

      No matter if it’s your child’s first step, first day of school, or first night tucked away in a new dorm room away from home, there comes a moment when you want to hit the brakes on this whole growing-up business! Nichole’s profound lyrics in her viral hit YouTube video “Slow Down” struck a chord with parents everywhere, and now this beautiful four-color book helps turn that short video into something you and your family can cherish for years to come.

      Slow Down encourages parents at all stages of raising children-whether your days are long and chaotic with little ones running around or if you’re sitting through a high school graduation and realizing just how quickly the years fly by-to slow down and relish each season of parenting. Filled with thought-provoking essays from Nichole, as well as practical applications for everyday life, beautiful illustrations of the song lyrics, and journaling space for reflection, Slow Down will be a poignant gift for any mom, as well as a treasured keepsake.

      It is natural to find yourself yearning for the next thing-the next season, the next school year, the next break. Take a few moments to reflect and celebrate the privilege of being a parent and getting to watch your little ones grow-and Slow Down.

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    • Sacred Parenting : How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls


      Parenting is a school for spiritual formation, says author Gary Thomas, and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children profoundly alters us forever…even when the journey is sometimes a rough one.

      Sacred Parenting is unlike any other parenting book on the market. This is not a “how-to” book that teaches readers the ways to discipline their kids or help them achieve their full potential. Instead of a discussion about how parents change their children, Sacred Parenting turns the tables and demonstrates how God uses children to change their parents.

      Stepping beyond the overly-tilled soil of method books, parents can learn a whole new side of parenting. They’ll be encouraged by stories that tell how other parents handled the challenges and difficulties of being a parent – and how their children transformed their relationship with God.

      The lessons the author writes about are timeless. But in this edition, Thomas adds in some additional insights and stories that he’s learned and lived over the past fifteen years of his own parenting. Gary has found that the lessons have remained much the same but there are new applications for the readers in this generation who are just now coming to his book.

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    • Weekly Prayer Project


      The directive is so simple: Be still. Draw close. Know Me. And yet who hasn’t struggled with the art of quieting your mind and your heart to truly dig deep into the intimacy God offers His beloved? The Weekly Prayer Project allows you that moment of reflection and invites you to write your prayers to the One who knows you best and loves you unconditionally.

      This beautiful prayer journal will be a pivotal part of your time with Jesus, as it guides you through weekly prayers and prompts that have the potential to change your life. With thick, uncoated pages meant for writing out your prayers and hand-lettered Scripture and artwork throughout, The Weekly Prayer Project is as lovely as it is inspirational. Enjoy 52 weeks of prompts designed to draw you close to the Lord, and soak in the rich prayers outlined in the pages of The Weekly Prayer Project. Topical sections guide you through such themes as prayers of request, gratitude, lament, and awe of God, and by the end of The Weekly Prayer Project, you will walk away with a much clearer picture of God’s nature and a more intimate relationship with Him.

      Engage with the goodness of God as you are, where you are, and see your prayer life become richer, fuller, and more intimate each week with The Weekly Prayer Project as you capture those things you most want to say to God and see the way He changes your life.

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    • Lifes Healing Choices Revised And Updated


      Happiness and Healing are yours for the choosing.
      We ve all been hurt by other people, we ve hurt ourselves, and we ve hurt others. And as a result, every single one of us ends up with some sort of hurt, hang-up, or habit. But the question we all face is, Where do we go from here?

      Life s Healing Choices offers freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits through eight healing choices that promise true happiness and life transformation. Using the Beatitudes of Jesus as a foundation, Senior Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church and John Baker, who is also a pastor at Saddleback, developed the eight choices shared in this book.
      In addition to practical, encouraging biblical teaching, each chapter includes two real-life stories of men and women whose lives have been transformed by living out the eight choices in this book. Through making each of these choices, you too will find God s pathway to wholeness, growth, spiritual maturity, happiness, and healing. You ll find real answers, real hope, and a real future one healing choice at a time.

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    • Spiritual Leadership : Principles Of Excellence For Every Believer


      What every church will always need

      The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ.

      With more than 1 million copies sold, Spiritual Leadership stands as a proven classic for developing such leadership. J. Oswald Sanders, a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and author of more than forty books, presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms. He illustrates his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God, such as Moses, Nehemiah, the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others.

      Featured topics include:
      *The cost of leadership
      *The responsibility of leadership
      *Tests of leadership
      *The qualities and criteria of leadership
      *The art of reproducing leaders
      *The one indispensable requirement of leadership

      Sanders holds that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Let this classic be your guide for leadership, and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory.

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    • Spiritual Discipleship : Principles Of Following Christ For Every Believer


      Take time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit.*

      As J. Oswald points out, true discipleship is more than intellectual assent to a belief in Christ; it involves the whole person and lifestyle.

      Those with only superficial belief will soon fall away from the faith, but Sanders says a true disciple would rather be presented with a difficult challenge than a soft option. Disciples are charged with the task of training themselves to be godly, because it is their responsibility to remain spiritually fit.

      In addition, a “For Reflection” guide is included, making this book ideal for both individual and group study.

      * 1 Tim. 4:7, JB Phillips Translation

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    • Kingdom Disciples : Heavens Representatives On Earth


      The missing key to Christianity in America

      There is a missing key in Christianity today. It is a critical key, and its absence has led to weak believers, disintegrating families, ineffective churches, and a decaying culture. Without the full use of this key, we lack the tools needed to fully live as heaven’s representatives on earth.

      That missing key is discipleship. In Kingdom Disciples, Tony Evans outlines a simple, actionable definition of discipleship to help the church fulfill its calling. Readers will learn:
      *What a disciple essentially is
      *What a disciple cares about
      *How to be a disciple and make disciples
      *What discipleship looks like in community
      *What the impact of discipleship on the world should be

      Kingdom disciples are short supply, and the results are legions of powerless Christians attending powerless churches, resulting in a powerless presence in the world. The power, authority, abundance, victory, and impact God has promised will only come about when we understand and align ourselves with His definition of discipleship.

      It is the goal of this book Kingdom Disciples to call believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and make disciples. Only when we take seriously this assignment will the world see heaven at work on earth. Will you accept the assignment?

      Useful for base material in a course on discipleship.

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    • Not All Roads Lead To Heaven (Reprinted)


      Almost 60 percent of those in American evangelical churches believe that many religions can lead to eternal life. But if Jesus is to be trusted when he says that no one comes to the Father except through him, the church is failing in its mission. And it’s not hard to guess why. An exclusive Jesus just isn’t popular in our inclusive world.

      Dr. Robert Jeffress calls on Christians to recover the exclusive claims of the one they claim as Lord and Savior, not as a way to keep people out of heaven but as the only way to invite them in. He tackles questions like:
      *Can people be saved who have never heard of Christ?
      *What about those who worship God by another name?
      *Do children automatically go to Heaven when they die?

      True compassion for non-Christians doesn’t lie in letting them go their way while we go ours, but in sharing the only true way with them.

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    • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality


      One percent of church leaders say that churches are doing well in discipling new and young believers. After almost three decades of pastoring New Life Fellowship Church in New York City, Peter Scazzero discovered that most people are not being changed in our churches, and, as a result, are not changing the world. Scazzero found two truths to be true: (1) you can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature, and (2) unless you slow your life down for a first-hand relationship with Jesus Christ, little change is possible. The integration of these two truths unleashed a spiritual revolution in Scazzero, in his church, and now in thousands of other churches. In this revised bestselling book, Scazzero outlines his journey and offers a roadmap for a discipleship with Jesus that is powerfully transformative. Topics include how to identify emotionally unhealthy spirituality, how to grow your soul through grief and loss, and how to develop into an emotionally mature adult. Offering new stories and principles, this updated edition will inspire readers to revolutionize their spiritual life.

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    • 5 Love Languages Military Edition


      Wisdom for military marriages

      Marriage is hard enough for the everyday civilian. But imagine marriage when you’re separated by thousands of miles, one of you faces daily the dangers of combat, and the other shoulders all the burden of home-front duties. Add to that the unpredictable schedules, frequent moves, and challenges of reintegration, and it’s no wonder military marriages are under stress.

      Guided by input from dozens of military couples in all stages of their careers, authors Gary Chapman and former military wife Jocelyn Green offer you an unparalleled tool for navigating these challenges. Adapted from #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages(R), this updated edition includes:
      *A revised Q&A section specific to military marriages
      *Stories of military couples adapting the love languages to their unique lifestyles
      *Tips for expressing love when you’re miles away

      The challenges of military marriages are unique, but they don’t have to hinder love. Whether your marriage is broken and needs healing, or is healthy but needs strengthening, The 5 Love Languages Military Edition will take you on a well-worn path to marital joy, even as you face the pressures of serving your country.

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    • 5 Love Languages Singles Edition


      This simple concept can revolutionize all your relationships!

      With more than 10 million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages(R) continues to strengthen relationships worldwide. Although originally crafted for married couples, the love languages have proven themselves to be universal, whether in dating relationships, friendships, the family, or the workplace.

      The premise is simple: Different people with different personalities express love in different ways. Therefore, if you want to give and receive love most effectively, you’ve got to learn to speak the right language.

      The 5 Love Languages(R) Singles Edition will help you . . .
      *Discover the missing ingredient in past relationships
      *Learn how to communicate love in a way that can transform any relationship
      *Grow closer to the people you care about the most
      *Understand why you may not feel loved by those who genuinely care about you
      *Gain the courage to express your emotions and affection to others

      “Nothing has more potential for enhancing one’s sense of well-being than effectively loving and being loved. This book is designed to help you do both of these things effectively.” – Gary Chapman

      Don’t wait; discover how your relationships can flourish, starting today!

      Includes Personal Profile assessments and a study guide

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    • Measure Of A Man Reprinted (Reprinted)


      More Than a Million Copies Have Been Sold of this Powerful Book for Men, Now Revised for a New Generation
      For forty years, The Measure of a Man has taught hundreds of thousands of men around the world how to live according to God’s direction–faithfully, lovingly, and spiritually. Now repackaged, this classic guide to biblical masculinity is poised to impact a new generation of men.True masculinity is not measured by the strength of a man, but by these twenty biblical guidelines drawn from the Apostle Paul’s letters to his young proteges Timothy and Titus. Inspiring, encouraging, and practical, this book shows men how they can reach God’s standards as fathers, husbands, and mentors to other men. This updated edition includes QR codes that take the reader to online video resources for further study.

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    • Jesus Always : Embracing Joy In His Presence


      Experience true joy-now and always. You have heard Jesus’ voice and responded to His invitation to peace and hope. With scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young, brings Jesus’ message of joy-for today and every day.

      Life today is full of difficulties-loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life to the fullest, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the brand new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living-a life of joy.

      Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus-the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

      People often buy multiple copies of Sarah Young products, which makes this a truly unique book that appeals to both self-purchases and gifts-often at the same time!

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    • How To Bring Them To Christ Journal Edition


      Most Christians intensely desire to bring others to the Lord, but somehow find themselves overwhelmed with fear, uncertainty, and rejection. Evangelist R. A. Torrey, who won thousands to the Lord, takes you step-by-step through receiving the power to witness and dealing with indifferent and skeptical people. Torrey’s personal examples and practical soul-winning principles will give you the confidence you need.

      Whether you are talking to family members, coworkers, or even those you just met, you will find that you can confidently and clearly explain how to find salvation in Jesus Christ.

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    • Power In Prayer


      God loves to answer prayer, and Scripture teaches that it is a simple thing to see answered prayer in our own lives. Charles Spurgeon’s classic writings tackle the fears and questions that arise as we learn to pray. His time-tested, hard-hitting teachings will clear the way for you to experience true faith and the power of answered prayer. Spurgeon discusses God’s promise to hear our prayers, the humility of pleading prayer, and our position before God’s throne of grace. Every believer can, and should, have a life marked by answered prayer. Charles Spurgeon will lead you to the place where life begins-a place of true communion with God.

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    • Blessed Life (Revised)


      Discover the Joy of Giving–and the Rewards of Receiving
      Our culture is saturated with false teaching on what it means to be blessed, but what does the Bible say about it? How can we truly live blessed lives? With humor, passion, and clarity, pastor and bestselling author Robert Morris presents the secrets of living a blessed life both financially and spiritually. He shows that when God changes your heart from selfishness to generosity, every part of your life-journey is affected.”There is no greater adventure on Earth than simply living the life of generosity and abundance that is available to all of God’s people–but so few ever dare to live,” says Pastor Robert. “It is a journey of reward. It is the blessed life.”First published in 2002, this newly revised and expanded edition includes new content from recent sermons, updated illustrations from years of the life-changing impact of its message, and testimonies from people experiencing the blessed life.

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    • Power Of A Praying Grandparent


      Being a grandparent is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. And loving and caring for our grandchildren not only blesses us but is also honoring to God. The best way to love your grandchild is to pray for him or her.

      In The Power of a Praying(R) Grandparent, you will find powerful suggestions to help you do just that by:
      *Praying for your grandchildren to be healthy, protected, smart, kind, wise, godly, and obedient, so that they do not stray into enemy territory
      *Praying for yourself to be a powerful praying “grandma” or “grandpa” who understands what your grandchildren are facing in this world today and how you can best cover them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically
      *Praying for your grandchildren’s parents to be led and enabled by God, so they can be the wisest, most patient, and loving parents for their children

      Being a praying grandmother or grandfather is not only one of the best gifts you can give your grandchildren, but their parents as well.

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    • Killing Lions : A Guide Through The Trials Young Men Face


      The Challenge Before You Is a Bold One: To Accept the Wild, Daring Adventure of Becoming a Man

      We want to be self-sufficient. Find our own direction as we pursue our dreams. Know it all and never ask for help. Isn’t this how most guys approach manhood? On our own, pretending we are doing better than we really are? But sooner or later the thrill of independence gets lost in the fog of isolation.

      It’s time to take the pressure off. We were never meant to figure life out on our own.

      This book was born out of a series of weekly phone calls between Sam Eldredge, a young writer in his twenties, and his dad, best-selling author John Eldredge. Join the conversation as a father and son talk about pursuing beauty, dealing with money, getting married, chasing dreams, knowing something real with God, and how to find a life you can call your own.

      Killing Lions is more than fatherly advice. It is an invitation into a journey: either to be the son who receives fathering or the father who learns what must be spoken. Most important, these conversations speak to a searching generation: “You are not alone. Its not all up to you. You are going to find your way.”

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    • Case For Christ (Revised)


      Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?

      Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields.

      Strobel challenges them with questions like, How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?

      Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and twice nominated for the Christian Book of the Year Award, Strobel’s tough, point-blank questions read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it’s not fiction. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.

      The new edition includes scores of revisions and additions, including updated material on archaeological and manuscript discoveries, fresh recommendations for further study, and an interview with the author that tells dramatic stories about the book’s impact, provides behind-the-scenes information, and responds to critiques of the book by skeptics. As The Case for Christ and its ancillary resources approach 10 million copies in print, this updated edition will prove even more valuable to contemporary readers.

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    • Rees Howells Intercessor


      Publisher Marketing: How did the faith and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of WWII? Find out in Norman Grubb’s updated biography of Rees Howells, who progressed in faith until his prayers affected even world events. Written with humanity and humor, this book uncovers the rich truths of the Spirit.

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    • No God But One Allah Or Jesus


      On account of the superficial points of agreement between Islam and Christianity, many don’t see how tremendously deep the divides between them really are, and fewer still have considered the evidence for each faith. How is Jihad different from the Crusades? Can we know the life of Jesus as well as the life of Muhammad? What reason is there to believe in one faith over the other, and what difference can the Gospel really make? In No God But One, New York Times bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi takes readers on a global, historical, yet deeply personal journey to the heart of the world’s two largest religions. He explores the claims that each faith makes upon believers’ intellects and lives, critically examining the evidence in support of their distinctive beliefs. Fleshed out with stories from the annals of both religions, No God But One unveils the fundamental, enduring conflict between Islam and Christianity-directly addressing controversial topics like Jihad, the Crusades, Sharia, the Trinity, and more. Readers of Qureshi’s first book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, will appreciate his careful and respectful comparison of Islam and Christianity. Both religions teach that there is No God But One, but who deserves to be worshiped, Allah or Jesus?

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    • Calvary Road


      Publisher Marketing: Do you long for revival and power in your life? Learn how Jesus can fill you with His spirit through brokenness, repentance and confession in this updated version of Hession’s classic book. In the course of eleven chapters, Hession teaches the need for personal revival in life with Christ.

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    • Teens Guide To The 5 Love Languages


      The secret to great relationships-just for teens

      #1 New York Times bestselling book The 5 Love Languages(R) has sold over 10 million copies, helping countless relationships thrive. Simply put, it works. But do the five love languages work for teens, for their relationships with parents, siblings, friends, teachers, coaches, and significant others? Yes!

      Introducing A Teen’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages, the first-ever edition written just to teens, for teens, and with a teen’s world in mind. It guides emerging adults in discovering and understanding their own love languages as well as how to best express love to others.

      This highly practical book will help teens answer questions like:
      *What motivates and inspires me?
      *What does it mean to be a caring friend?
      *What communicates love to my family?
      *What is the best way to get along with the opposite sex?

      Features include:
      *A straight-forward overview of the 5 love languages
      *A profile/assessment instrument specifically geared to teens
      *Practical examples/tips for how to apply each language in a teen’s context
      *Graphics that drive home key concepts

      Teens’ relationships matter, and these simple ideas will help them thrive.

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    • 5 Love Languages Of Children


      More than 1 million sold! You know you love your child. But how can you show it so they really feel loved?

      The #1 New York Times bestselling The 5 Love Languages has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child’s love language and make them feel loved in a way they understand.

      Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell help you: Discover your child’s love language, understand the link between successful learning and the love languages, see how the love languages can help you discipline more effectively, and build a foundation of unconditional love for your child.

      Plus: Find dozens of tips for practical ways to speak your child’s love language. Discover your child’s primary language, then speak it, and you will be on your way to a stronger relationship and seeing your child flourish.

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    • 5 Love Languages Of Teenagers


      Over 400,000 copies sold! Socially, mentally, and spiritually, teenagers face a variety of pressures and stresses each day.

      Despite these pressures, it is still parents who can influence teens the most, and The Five Love Languages of Teenagers equips parents to make the most of that opportunity. In this adaptation of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Five Love Languages (more than 10 million copies sold), Dr. Gary Chapman explores the world in which teenagers live, explains their developmental changes, and gives tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teen’s love language.

      Get practical tips for how to:
      *Express love to your teen effectively
      *Navigate the key issues in your teen’s life, including anger and independence
      *Set boundaries that are enforced with discipline and consequences
      *Support and love your teen when he or she fails

      Get ready to discover how the principles of the five love languages can really work in the life of your teenage and family.

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    • You Are What You Love (Reprinted)


      You are what you love. But you might not love what you think.

      In this book, award-winning author James K. A. Smith shows that who and what we worship fundamentally shape our hearts. And while we desire to shape culture, we are not often aware of how culture shapes us. We might not realize the ways our hearts are being taught to love rival gods instead of the One for whom we were made. Smith helps readers recognize the formative power of culture and the transformative possibilities of Christian practices. He explains that worship is the “imagination station” that incubates our loves and longings so that our cultural endeavors are indexed toward God and his kingdom. This is why the church and worshiping in a local community of believers should be the hub and heart of Christian formation and discipleship.

      Following the publication of his influential work Desiring the Kingdom, Smith received numerous requests from pastors and leaders for a more accessible version of that book’s content. No mere abridgment, this new book draws on years of Smith’s popular presentations on the ideas presented in Desiring the Kingdom to offer a fresh, bottom-up rearticulation. The author creatively uses film, literature, and music illustrations to engage readers and includes material on marriage, family, youth ministry, and faith and work. He also suggests individual and communal practices for shaping the Christian life.

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    • Answering Jihad : A Better Way Forward


      From New York Times bestselling author and former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi comes this personal, challenging, and respectful answer to the many questions surrounding jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. San Bernardino was the most lethal terror attack on American soil since 9/11, and it came on the heels of a coordinated assault on Paris. There is no question that innocents were slaughtered in the name of Allah and in the way of Jihad, but do the terrorists’ actions actually reflect the religion of Islam? The answer to this question is more pressing than ever, as waves of Muslim refugees arrive in the West seeking shelter from the violent ideology of ISIS. Setting aside speculations and competing voices, what really is Jihad? How are we to understand Jihad in relation to our Muslim neighbors and friends? Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today, and how are we to respond? In Answering Jihad, bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi (Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus) answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland.

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    • Gods Chosen Fast (Revised)


      Having proved over many years the great value and blessing of fasting, the author has written this book to share with others what the Bible has to say about this important and neglected subject. His aim has been to furnish a handbook which deals not only with all the main passages in Scripture that touch on the matter, but also with the practical issues involved.

      This is a balanced study which seeks to give to the subject the weight that Scripture gives it and avoids exaggeration and over-emphasis. The book includes a biblical index, and an appendix dealing with the textual problems surrounding four references to fasting in the New Testament.

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    • Married And Still Loving It


      A guide for making the most of the best half of marriage

      How do you have a marriage that thrives in the later years, not falling into a rut but embracing adventure hand-in-hand?

      Married and Still Loving It, by Harold Myra and Gary Chapman, #1 bestselling author of The Five Love Languages(R), tells you how. Combining the wisdom and insights of two veteran authors with the experiences of a hundred mature couples who have stayed together through thick and thin, it is a treasure trove of actionable ideas and principles for having a marriage that gets better every year.

      It honestly examines the challenges of the later years of marriage, like health issues, aging parents, adult children’s choices, and financial concerns, and yet it celebrates the joys, like grandkids, more free time, and having so much to offer others.

      Between the stories, interviews, and authors’ personable tones, Married and Still Loving It feels less like a marriage book and more like a gathering of wise friends. You will be inspired by couples who have maintained strong relationships and are positively influencing others while positively impacting their world. So much is yet ahead, and Married and Still Loving It will help you embrace it.

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    • Wife After Gods Own Heart


      A Wife After God’s Own Heart reveals how you can have what every married woman desires-a wonderful marriage filled with mutual love, friendship, romance, and joy. No matter what the state or season of your marriage, this book is for you. Join bestselling author Elizabeth George as she shares the keys to having a great marriage, including:
      *communicating to your husband more effectively
      *understanding how to best support your man
      *having more fun as a couple
      *enhancing or rekindling marital intimacy
      *honoring God together in your relationship

      When it comes to making a marriage the best it can be, you’ll find this book a practical help-including the many “Little Things That Make a Big Difference” in every chapter! Start now on the path to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship. Includes study guide.

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    • Your Legacy : The Greatest Gift


      In a tie-in to his film release and DVD study series, Dr. James Dobson presents principles for building a lasting legacy of faith for families everywhere. We live in a culture that seeks to destroy the embryonic faith of our children and usher them into politically correct ideology, godless systems of belief, and gross immorality that would have shocked previous generations. Today’s Christian parents truly live in perilous times.But the good news is that you can be victorious in this battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of your precious children. Whatever stage you are in as a parent or grandparent, you can leave a spiritual legacy that will equip your children and grandchildren with an unshakable heritage of faith. How can you teach your children what matters most? By being intentional about their spiritual training. YOUR LEGACY will help you make that the central priority of your family.

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    • Tozer For The Christian Leader


      Tozer on Christian Leadership by A.W. Tozer is a 366 day devotional on the topic of Christian leadership. The idea of Christian leadership is broad and can seem unimportant to someone not in an administrative or ministerial position.

      But it is much deeper than that and has ramifications that stretch into the personal and spiritual life of every Christian. To lead is to foster a more submissive relationship with God the Father while taking moral authority over the forces of the world.

      Tozer uses the image of obedience to lay the groundwork for his year long devotional on Christian leadership.

      As Abraham, the oldest of the Church fathers, was on his face before God, so should our position of obedience be to God. Leadership, he says, comes from this place of submission.

      Over the course of the year, Tozer goes over many different aspects of leadership, including that of the personal life, evangelizing and a spiritual revival of the church. Tozer challenges the believer to take an attitude of humility before God and men, and listen patiently to the whispering inner voice. Tozer declares, “Let Him work and your spiritual life will begin to blaze like the rising sun.”

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    • Deborah Anointing : Embracing The Call To Be A Woman Of Wisdom And Discernm


      Deborah was unique among women of her time. No other could describe herself as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mother of Israel, and military strategist. She governed God’s people with a nurturing heart and a soldier’s strength. Deborah broke outside of her culture-not out of rebellion-but in obedience to God to set her people free.Rise up in your area of influence and be a pillar in the kingdom of God. Imagine the outcome if women in today’s society boldly took hold of the same discerning spirit, courageous heart, and nurturing gift to see transformation in their homes and workplaces. The Deborah Anointing is available to you to overcome the cultural and social pressures and prejudices that women encounter. Through prophetic teaching and applicable prayers you will experience freedom, healing, and deliverance from:
      *Fear and control issues
      *Dry seasons in personal life, career, or ministry
      *Disappointment, doubt, and indecision
      *Delays on the promises of God
      *And much more!

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    • Gods Crime Scene


      A former atheist and seasoned cold-case detective invites readers to sit on the jury as he makes a compelling case for God s existence with eight critical pieces of evidence found in the crime scene of our universe.”

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    • Lifelong Love


      SKU (ISBN): 9781434708625ISBN10: 1434708624Gary ThomasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2015Publisher: David C. Cook

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    • Young Woman After Gods Own Heart


      This young woman’s version of Elizabeth George’s bestselling book A Woman After God’s Own Heart(R) shares the intentions and blessings of God’s heart with teen girls. On this journey they discover His priorities for their lives–including prayer, submission, faithfulness, and joy–and how to embrace those priorities in daily life.

      Elizabeth’s mentor style, the “Heart Response” messages of reflection, and the age-significant themes make this an excellent book for groups or for personal study. And best of all, girls will discover that God is a faithful, caring, and loving presence during this exciting and sometimes difficult time in their lives.

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    • Pursuit Of God


      The Pursuit of God; The Human Thirst for the Divine by A.W. Tozer is the beloved, timeless, classic, work on man’s desire to continually draw closer to God.

      Whether you are thirsting for more of God or do not yet know of the “mighty longing after God” that so consumed A.W. Tozer’s life and ministry, The Pursuit of God will draw you into a deep, abiding relationship with the One who nourishes the soul.

      This is the spiritual masterpiece that exposes the roadblocks that keep us from fully knowing God.

      It also reveals our responsibility of the pursuit and ultimately leads us into the very presence of God Himself.

      In the middle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? Tozer reminds you, and challenges you to renew your relationship with the loving God. In each of 10 chapters, he explains one aspect of waiting on God, and ends with a prayer.

      This book is clearly the number one best seller of all of A.W. Tozer books and is called “one of the all-time most inspirational books” by a panel of Christian magazine writers.

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    • Young Man After Gods Own Heart


      Jim George, author of A Man After God’s Own Heart (more than 74,000 copies sold), takes older teenagers on a radical journey of faith. Through God’s extreme wisdom and powerful insights from the life of warrior and leader King David, readers will–get on track with right prioritiesdiscover God’s amazing willlive God through their actionsgear up for serving the Lordbuild meaningful friendshipsYoung men will discover biblical principles that blaze a trail to godly living. A Young Man After God’s Own Heart helps guys grow into men who honor God in all they do. Great for Sunday school, youth group studies, and individual reading.

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    • Healing For Damaged Emotions


      Events in our lives, both good and bad, form rings in us like the rings in a tree. Each ring records memories that affect our feelings, our relationships, and our thoughts about God.

      In this classic work, David Seamands encourages us to live compassionately with ourselves as we allow the Holy Spirit to heal our past. As he helps us name hurdles in our lives-such as guilt, poor self-worth, and perfectionism-he shows us how we can find freedom from our pain and enjoy the abundant life God wants for us.

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    • When Homosexuality Hits Home


      The heart-wrenching declaration that a loved one is a homosexual is increasingly being heard in Christian households across America. How can this be? What went wrong? Is there a cure?

      In this straightforward book, Joe Dallas offers practical counsel, step by step, on how to deal with the many conflicts and emotions parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters or any family member will experience when learning of a loved one’s homosexuality.

      Drawing from his own experience and from his many years of helping families work through this perplexing and unexpected situation, Joe offers scriptural and compassionate advice to both struggling gays and those who love them.

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    • Kids Guide To The Armor Of God


      As one of the country’s most respected evangelical leaders, pastor and author Tony Evans challenges “tweens” (ages 8 to 12) to explore what the armor of God is all about. He understands that Christian kids want to be stronger, more confident, and skilled at living an exciting God-centered life, and so he presents the unvarnished truth.

      Tony Evans gives kids a plan for success by explaining:
      *Scripture reveals who’s behind the world’s traps and snares and how to resist him.
      *God offers all Christians a powerful suit of armor and mighty weapons.
      *The suit includes a belt of truth and helmet of salvation to wear and shield of faith to carry into the battle.

      When every piece of God’s armor is worn correctly, the enemy is defeated and Christians finish victorious.By learning how to dress in the armor God provides, preteens are able to speak the truth, stand firm in the faith, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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    • Sacred Marriage : What If God Designed Marriage To Make Us Holy More Than T


      Sacred Marriage doesn’t just offer techniques to make a marriage happier. It does contain practical tools, but what married Christians most need is help in becoming holier husbands and wives. Sacred Marriage offers that help with insights from Scripture, church history, time tested wisdom from Christian classics, and examples from today’s marriages. Revised Edition.

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    • Hearts Of Fire


      Eight women from eight different countries shared similar experiences of hardship and persecution, all for their faith in Christ. Yet they all emerged from adversity as heroines. From the young Vietnamese girl who turned down freedom in order to share the gospel in her Communist homeland, to the Australian missionary who spread the message of forgiveness and healing across India after her husband and sons were burned alive, these women overcame Extreme adversity to become leaders and ministers of the underground church in Pakistan, India, Romania, the former Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Nepal and Indonesia.

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    • Pleasure Of His Company (Reprinted)


      Experience God’s Presence in a Whole New WayThere’s just something about people who are close to God. Through the ups and downs of life, they remain secure, hopeful. If you want a more rewarding spiritual life, if you want the pleasure of knowing your Creator’s heart, this soul-lifting book is for you. Learn from Dutch Sheets as he shares his life lessons for cultivating an intimate relationship with God. Each of the thirty short chapters reveals a simple practice or biblical mindset that will help draw you away from the noise of life and into the Lord’s peaceful presence. With profound insights from the Bible and stories you won’t soon forget, The Pleasure of His Company is like a spiritual mentor, showing you simple ways to enjoy God more.This powerful book can also be enjoyed as a daily devotional.

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    • Esther Anointing : Becoming A Woman Of Prayer Courage And Influence


      Be inspired by Esther, an incredible woman of God. Esther was willing to risk her life for the welfare of her people and the furthering of God’s plan. Strategically positioned by God in a place of influence, Esther is a powerful biblical example of how God can use anyone. She answered God’s call and went through a season of preparation physically and spiritually to get ready.

      Just like in biblical times, God is positioning women today and giving them divine opportunities to influence the culture for His glory. The Esther Anointing gives you the keys to Esther’s success, including the qualities that make women great, the power of influence, and the key to finding God’s favor for your assignment.

      It doesn’t matter where you came from or what skills and talents you have; if you let Him, God can use your life for His glory!

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    • Getting Ready For Marriage


      In Getting Ready for Marriage, relationship experts Jim Burns and Doug Fields pour decades of experience into a fresh, current, and practical guide tailor-made for couples approaching marriage. Explorations of family history, communication styles, money matters, and sexual intimacy help couples define and prepare for the work and rewards of a healthy union. Easy to navigate and including meaningful exercises and conversation starters, this book is designed to guide relationships for the long haul. It will also appeal to pastors and marriage counselors.

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    • Bringing Up Boys


      Sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.
      With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man. In the runaway bestseller Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson draws from his experience as a child psychologist and family counselor, as well as extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm foundation of biblical principles. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • Setting Your Marriage Free


      The same powerful principles from Neil Anderson’s Steps to Freedom in Christ that helped set more than one million people free from spiritual bondage can now revolutionize marriage relationships. Anderson and co-author Charles Mylander offer the practical tools married couples need to safeguard their marriages against the things that threaten to destroy them. Setting Your Marriage Free gives biblical insight and practical help for any marriage-whether it’s healthy, in trouble or disastrous. Any couple willing to face the truth and walk in the light will find their marriage set free and become what God wants it to be.

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