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    Pastoral Helps

    • How To Teach The Old Testament To Christians


      Discover the Richness of the Old Testament

      The Hebrew Scriptures are the beginning of-and foundation for-God’s incredible story of redemption. Studying the Old Testament, and its relationship to God’s new covenant, inspires wonder and awe at God’s grand plan of salvation that spans millennia. Tragically, too many preachers and Bible teachers don’t have the time or inclination to dive into the depths of the Old Testament. T. J. Betts, respected professor of Old Testament interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, provides a convenient solution in this book:

      *By walking you through the steps to effectively preach and teach the Old Testament
      *By describing how to interpret the stories and narratives in the Hebrew Scriptures
      *By outlining how to present, illustrate, and apply the Old Testament to people’s lives

      You’ll want this book in your library because it is a tool for unpacking Scripture.

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    • Women Leading Well


      The focus of this resource is to help women discover and develop leadership skills for serving in ministry leadership and how women can capitalize on the unique strengths they have to offer. Women need to see that they are leaders, that they are called by God, and that they are gifted for ministry in the local church. While numerous leadership resources exist, including some specific to women in ministry, no current resources are available to encourage and empower women serving in leadership in complementarian churches. The purpose of this book is not to outline exactly which leadership titles a woman should hold but rather to equip and prepare women for whatever leadership opportunities in ministry they may encounter.

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    • Discipleship For Kids


      Discipleship for Kids offers a straightforward, fun, and empowering pathway to help you teach faith fundamentals to children.

      Helping children discover the Christian life can feel daunting and overwhelming. How do we instill a lifelong love for Jesus, God, and the Bible? The good news is that we don’t have to have all the Bible knowledge in the world. Discipleship for Kids helps adults establish a strong faith foundation for the children in our lives. We learn along with our kids, one story and step at a time.

      Through this resource kids will learn how to become a Christian, have a strong understanding of Bible basics, and learn how to:

      *Walk with Jesus
      *Love the Bible
      *Pray to God
      *Tell the World

      Discipleship for Kids is designed for children to read alone or with an adult. It uses The Wheel, a longtime Navigator tool that provides a clear pathway through the priorities of the Christian life. Each chapter has features from fictional stories to key definitions and from interaction with corresponding verses for the topic and Scripture memory to questions to explore and discuss.

      This book is not about simply gaining information so you can get things just right for God. Obeying Jesus? Check! Prayer? Mastered that! Fellowship? Do that every week! Discipleship is never about perfecting the Christian life. It’s about moving forward with Jesus at the center.

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    • Bible Stories For Grown Ups


      Read the Bible for the first time – again.

      In Bible Stories for Grown-Ups: Reading Scripture with New Eyes pastor Josh Scott looks at familiar Bible stories and reveals new details and interpretations for an adult audience. This six-week Bible study will consider stories many read as children including Noah’s Ark, the binding of Isaac, Jonah and the big fish, Jesus and Zacchaeus, Jesus healing a blind man, and the parable of the talents. Scott reimagines these stories and opens new visions for readers to understand well known pieces of Scripture in our current cultural environment.

      Components for the six-week study include a book, comprehensive Leader Guide, and DVD/Video sessions featuring Josh Scott.

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    • Rooted Leadership : Seeking God’s Answers To The Eleven Core Questions Ever


      Behind many of the challenges facing us today is a failure of leadership. This is not a new problem. Yearning for wise guidance and effective authority is a perennial human longing. We need leaders who are credible, competent and committed. But many leaders seem to be caught up, even consumed, with their own power and agendas. Some see the leadership crisis as an intellectual problem, believing we lack a clear theory of leadership. Others view the breakdown of leadership as a result of increasing deficiency in moral character.

      Most leadership books today revolve around the concepts of motivation, inspiration, empowerment, and teamwork. Helpful as these themes might be, they miss something more fundamental. Leadership needs a theological foundation, that will be useful for shaping the undergirding principles, and evaluating current leadership theories and practices. We need to view leadership from the vantage point of God.

      In Rooted Leadership, John E. Johnson explores how Christian theology provides an overarching leadership framework and applies that theory to leadership practices. Spiritual reflection, guided by scripture, points us to the very center of leadership–God–and the purpose of leadership–that we might display his glory. All the best forms of leading take their cues from who God is, his purposes, and his ways of working with people that he has progressively revealed.

      Building on three decades of research, study, and experience as a global leader, Johnson surveys the landscape of contemporary leadership theory, unpacks the assumptions and beliefs that underly current trends, and responds by offering a robust approach to leadership, founded on the character, work, and words of God.

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    • Lead : 12 Gospel Principles For Leadership In The Church


      The church has a leadership crisis. For every celebrity pastor exiting in the spotlight, there are hundreds of lesser known pastors leaving in the shadows. Why are so many pastors leaving the ministry? Best-selling author Paul David Tripp suggests that lurking behind the failure of a pastor is a weak leadership community. Turning to the pages of Scripture for guidance, Tripp presents readers with 12 leadership-community principles necessary for a gospel-centered leadership model, making this an essential tool for anyone in church leadership. Here is a book with a message for the young and hopeful, as well as the experienced and weary-God’s abiding presence is your hope in ministry leadership.

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    • Leadership In Christian Perspective


      This book brings the best of leadership theory and research together with biblical reflection and examples of leadership in action to offer a practical guide to Christian leaders.

      Combining expertise in leadership studies and biblical studies, Justin Irving and Mark Strauss explore how leadership models have moved from autocratic and paternalistic leader-centered models toward an increased focus on followers. The authors show how contemporary theories such as transformational leadership, authentic leadership, and servant leadership take an important step toward prioritizing and empowering followers who work with leaders to accomplish organizational goals. Irving and Strauss organize their book around “nine empowering practices,” making it accessible to students, church leaders, and business leaders.

      Integrating solid research in leadership studies with biblical and theological reflection on the leadership ideas that are most compatible with Christian faith, this book is an important resource for all Christian students of leadership.

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    • Equipping Grandparents : Helping Your Church Reach And Disciple The Next Ge


      Many powerful voices are influencing our grandchildren, from those at home and in their schools to those in the world of entertainment and media. What can you as a grandparent do to speak wisdom and godliness into their lives?

      Grandparenting gives you a biblical foundation for investing spiritually in your grandkids, walking you through the principles of influencing them for Christ–from sharing with unbelieving grandkids to discipling them into a mature faith. This book is perfect for individual use, small groups, or Sunday school classes. A Grandparenting DVD is available that features eight family ministry experts with over six hours of video content.

      Two other resources are also available:

      Biblical Grandparenting is a full-length leadership book that places grandparenting
      ministry on a firm scriptural foundation. It is ideal for pastors and church leaders as
      well as for use in the classroom at seminaries.

      Equipping Grandparents is a brief book to teach pastors how to begin a grandparenting ministry in their church.

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    • Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership (Expanded)


      Foreword By Gary A. Haugen
      1. When Leaders Lose Their Souls
      2. What Lies Beneath
      3. The Place Of Our Own Conversion
      4. The Practice Of Paying Attention
      5. The Conundrum Of Calling
      6. Guiding Others On The Spiritual Journey
      7. Living Within Limits
      8. Spiritual Rhythms In The Life Of The Leader
      9. Leadership As Intercession
      10. The Loneliness Of Leadership
      11. From Isolation To Leadership Community
      12. Finding God’s Will Together
      13. Re-envisioning The Promised Land
      Afterword By Leighton Ford
      Discussion Guide
      Appendix: How Is It With Your Soul?

      Additional Info
      “I’m tired of helping others enjoy God-I just want to enjoy God for myself.”

      With this painful admission, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership explores topics such as

      responding to the dynamics of calling
      facing the loneliness of leadership
      leading from your authentic self
      cultivating spiritual community
      reenvisioning the promised land
      discerning God’s will together

      Each chapter includes a spiritual practice to ensure your soul gets the nourishment it needs. Forging and maintaining a life-giving connection with God is the best choice you can make for yourself and for those you lead.

      This expanded edition includes a new appendix for self-evaluation, “How Is It with Your Soul?” and a flexible six- or twelve-week discussion guide for groups.

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    • Grieving A Suicide (Expanded)


      Introduction: For Survivors-the Other Victims Of Suicide

      Part I: When Suicide Strikes
      1. Shock
      2. Turmoil
      3. Lament
      4. Relinquishment
      5. Remembrance

      Part II: The Lingering Questions
      6. Why Did This Happen?
      7. Is Suicide The Unforgivable Sin?
      8. Where Is God When It Hurts?

      Part III: Life After Suicide
      9. The Spirituality Of God
      10. The Healing Community
      11. The Lessons Of Suicide

      Epilogue: Going On

      Appendix: Resources For Suicide Survivors And Suicide Prevention
      Questions For Reflection And Discussion
      A Single-Session Discussion Guide For Suicide Survivor Groups

      Additional Info
      A 2003 Finalist in the United Kingdom Christian Book Awards! “Albert,” the neighbor said, “your mom needs you to come home.” That’s how it began for Albert Hsu when his father died. Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide experiences tremendous shock and trauma. What follows is a confusing mix of emotions-anger, guilt, grief, and despair. Suicide raises heartrending questions: Why did this happen? Why didn’t we see it coming? Could we have done anything to prevent it? How can we go on? Many also wonder if those who choose suicide are doomed to an eternity separated from God and their loved ones. Some may even start asking whether life is worth living at all. After his father’s death, Hsu wrestled with the intense emotional and theological questions surrounding suicide. While acknowledging that there are no easy answers, he draws on the resources of the Christian faith to point suicide survivors to the God who offers comfort in our grief and hope for the future. For those who have lost a loved one to suicide and for their counselors and pastors, this book is an essential companion for the journey toward healing. This revised edition incorporates the latest statistics, has expanded resources for suicide prevention and mental health ministry, and now includes a discussion guide for suicide survivor groups.

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    • Emotionally Healthy Leader


      There is an immense difference between a Christian and a secular leader. Secular leaders learn best practices and strategies from the most successful global leaders and then do their best to implement them. They are secular in that they manage to lead without God. While we can, and should, learn from best secular leadership practices, Christian leadership is different. Christian leaders lead from an interior life with Jesus Christ. Our lives are defined by Jesus who calls us to follow Him, and do His will. We lead from a position of dependence and communion with Him. Moreover, our vision is more than earthly measures of success. Christian leaders lead people to Jesus so that their lives might be powerfully transformed by Him. Yet we cannot give what we do not possess. We must be increasingly transformed first. The first half of The Emotionally Healthy Leader looks at four foundational areas often overlooked in developing leaders: facing our shadow, leading out of our marriage or singleness, slowing down for loving union with Jesus, and practicing Sabbath delight. Who we are, our “being”, is primary, impacting all our exterior activity. Scazzero then examines the intersection of our inner lives with the practical, everyday “doing” of leadership – planning and decision-making, culture and team buildings, community and dual relationships, and endings and new beginnings. Forged out of hard lessons learned in 26 years of leading a large, growing, complex, missional, multiracial church in New York City, The Emotionally Healthy Leader offers a unique integration of how who we are profoundly impacts what we do as leaders. It looks at how all our decisions and activities each day flow out of our inner walk with Christ. The Emotionally Healthy Leader goes beyond a quick fix or a new technique to core, beneath-the-surface issues of uniquely Christian leadership. This book is more than a book you will read; it is a resource you will come back to over and over again.

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    • Emotionally Healthy Church Updated And Expanded (Expanded)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310520757ISBN10: 0310520754Peter Scazzero | Warren BirdBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2015Publisher: Zondervan

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    • Biblical Theology for Beginners – Second Edition Revised And Updated


      Are you hungry for God to reveal Himself to You?

      Do you want to know more about God? How He works in your life? What about your purpose in life? Maybe you wonder, why did God create the world? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why pray? Is there a heaven and a hell? Does God heal? What does He think about women in ministry? How can the Holy Spirit live within you?

      When it comes to serving God, we have thousands of questions. While this book doesn’t answer all of them, it does provide a solid framework for our faith. Knowing what we believe and how God works in this world and in people equips us with answers. It opens up new vistas of faith and helps us relate to God in our everyday lives.

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    • Quick Scripture Reference For Counseling (Reprinted)


      Now in its fourth edition, this classic reference book helps counselors, pastors, and individual Christians with specific personal needs find sound scriptural guidance for resolving problems and growing in faith. The updated cover and packaging will attract new buyers to this already popular reference tool.

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    • Spiritual Leadership : Moving People On To Gods Agenda (Expanded)


      Next to their Experiencing God classic, Spiritual Leadership is one of Henry and Richard Blackaby’s most highly regarded and best-selling books to date, encouraging business and church leaders alike to follow God’s biblical design for success. In fact, the Barna Group reports that pastors list it among today’s most influential writings on the topic of how God develops, guides, and empowers spiritual leaders.

      In this new trade paper edition of Spiritual Leadership, the Blackabys update their notes on the key points regarding a leader’s challenges, character qualities, influence, decision making techniques, and more, all the while focusing on how leaders discover and promote God’s vision for their organization and move people on to His agenda. There are also new chapters on leading change and leading teams.

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    • No Stones : Women Redeemed From Sexual Addiction


      In this book Marnie C. Ferree offers a unique resource for women struggling with sexual addiction. Written by a counselor who understands the condition from the inside out, No Stones offers practical help for those battling sexual addiction and those who want to come alongside women as they seek help. Important for pastors and church leaders, this book will also be a much sought-after resource for Christian counselors and therapists counseling women who grapple with this type of addiction.

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    • No Man Left Behind


      David Murrow’s book, Why Men Hate Going to Church, has heightened awareness of an epidemic – Patrick Morley offers the solution. No Man Left Behind is the blueprint for growing a thriving men’s ministry that has the power to rebuild the church as we know it, pulling men off the couch and into active involvement as part of the body of Christ.

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