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    • Love Is Patient Love Is Kind Hummingbird Med 1 Corinthians 13:4


      The Love is Patient Hummingbird Medium Gift Bag is more than just packaging; its design and message provide a perfect way to express your true feelings for a mother, friend, or loved one.

      4 in stock

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    • Why Not Women


      David Hamilton takes difficult verses and explains them within the context of its surrounding verses.
      – He explores alternative translations and corrects common understandings of key words that may change the entire meaning of a passage.
      – His writtings reveal a spirit of humility and sensitivity towards a sometimes volatile subject.

      1 in stock

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    • Hinds Feet On High Places


      20 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me walk upon mine high places. – Habakkuk 3:19

      Hind’s Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard’s best known and best loved books: a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God’s children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory.

      Follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey through difficult places with her two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Learn how Much Afraid overcomes her tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and returns to her valley of service, transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd.

      Included in this new edition of Hinds’ Feet on High Places are two special sections: Hannah Hurnard’s own, never-before-published account of the circumstances that led her to write Hinds’ Feet, and a brief autobiography of the author’s like as told in the book Hearing Heart.

      6 in stock

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    • Joyful Christian



      117 Topics In 228 Pages

      Additional Info
      C. S. Lewis, himself a convert, wrote of being “surprised by joy” when he discovered his belief in Jesus Christ. In these 127 devotional readings, selected from Lewis’s many works on faith and spirituality, Christians everywhere can share in the joy of this master theologian as he discusses topics ranging from the nature of prayer and good works to psychoanalysis and fascism. In The Joyful Christian, Lewis offers inspiration for all those who hunger and thirst after joy.

      6 in stock

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    • E M Bounds On Prayer


      7 Parts In 96 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Prayer that gets results

      Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! E.M. Bounds knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. He reveals these principles and illustrates how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times. He also uncovers how you can…

      – Have direct communication with God
      – Maintain a prayer life that produces results
      – Overcome Satan and his hold on prayer
      – Obtain all that God has for you
      – Discover all the possibilities of prayer

      Since the time of the apostles, no man besides E. M. Bounds has left such a rich inheritance of biblical research into the life of prayer. Here are teachings that form the only effective barrier against the powers of evil that prevail throughout the present world. Through his writings, you will discover how you can have a totally effective prayer life and how you can know the fullness of divine power.

      “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.”
      — John 16:34

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    • Boundaries In Dating


      Boundaries in Dating provides those in the dating world a way to think, solve problems, and enjoy the benefits of dating in the fullest way, including increasing their ability to find and commit to a marriage partner.

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    • My Heart Christs Home (Revised)


      The Study
      The Dining Room
      The Living Room
      The Workroom
      The Rec Room
      The Bedroom
      The Hall Closet
      Transferring The Title

      Additional Info
      In this booklet, Robert Boyd Munger emphasizes the need for Christians to be wholeheartedly devoted to Christ.

      13 in stock

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    • Conspiracy Of Kindness (Anniversary)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830734078ISBN10: 0830734074Steve SjogrenBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Regal Books

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    • Christianity Cults And Religions Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Compare 18 World Religions and Cults at a Glance!
      Best-seller Christianity, Cults & Religions wall chart compares the beliefs of 18 world religions and cults at a glance! Know what each group believes about God, Jesus, Salvation, and more. Researched by some of the top scholars in the field, the chart features more groups than any other side-by-side chart and contains the most up-to-date information. Includes information regarding:
      * Christianity
      * Judaism
      * Islam
      * Buddhism
      * Hinduism
      * Mormonism
      * Unification Church
      * Jehovah’s Witnesses
      * Christian Science
      * Scientology
      * Unity School of Christianity
      * New Age
      * Spiritualism
      * Hare Krishna
      * Armstrongism (latest updates)
      * Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
      * Bahi World Faith
      * Transcendental Meditation(TM)

      6 in stock

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    • What The Bible Says About Money Pamphlet


      Hundreds of Bible passages mention money: its power and its dangers and its blessings. This pamphlet gives ten key biblical principles about money, including (1) God owns everything and has given us many blessings, (2) Everything we have came from the Lord, (3) God holds us responsible for caring for others, (4) Money is not meant to enrich ourselves or to be hoarded but to bring blessings to others, 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles.

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    • Streams In The Desert


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310230113UPC: 025986230111Lettie Cowman | Editor: James ReimannBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1999Publisher: Zondervan

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    • Prisoner In The Third Cell


      Imprisoned by Herod, John the Baptist struggles to understand a Lord who did not meet his expectations–a dramatic account offering insight into the ways of God.

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    • You Gotta Keep Dancin


      Stress, disappointment, heartache, hurt–all are part of the human condition. But while pain is unavoidable, misery is optional! The freeing message of this book is that no matter what your circumstances, with God’s help, you can choose to be joyful.

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    • Vines Complete Expository Dictionary Of Old And New Testament Words Super V



      Publisher’s Preface (to The One-Volume Edition)


      Old Testament Words
      English Word Index
      Hebrew Word Index

      (following Page 319)

      Publisher’s Preface
      Foreword To New One-Volume Edition
      New Testament Words
      Additional Notes:
      On The Particle Kai
      On The Particle De
      On The Prepositions Anti And Huper
      On The Prepositions Apo And Ek
      On The Preposition En
      Greek Word Index
      Topical Index
      Jesus Christ
      The Holy Spirit
      Supernatural Beings
      Human Beings
      The Life Of The Believer
      The People Of God
      The Future
      Function And General Words P. 63

      Additional Info
      The most affordable complete edition of Vine’s famous Old and New Testament dictionaries available, this super value edition of a classic study resource helps those with limited or no background in Hebrew or Greek to study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages. A great resource for students, pastors, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies. Serves as a dictionary, commentary, and concordance.

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    • Power Of Prayer In A Believers Life


      Considered by his peers then and now as “The Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon built London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle into the world’s largest independent congregation during the nineteenth century. While many factors have been highlighted that help explain the effectiveness of Spurgeon’s preaching, the foremost secret that-empowered Charles Spurgeon was his devotion to prayer.

      When people would walk trough the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Spurgeon would take them to the basement prayer room where people were always on their knees interceding for the church. Then Spurgeon would declare, “Here is the powerhouse of this church.” That statement is backed by the amazing number of sermons that Spurgeon preached on prayer.

      Spurgeon was a great believer and teacher in passionate Holy Spirit-directed prayer. His word pictures of the majestic throne of grace that God calls believers to be privileged to come before is well worth the price of the book alone. You will be inspired and challenged in your prayer life, especially if you experience struggles in prayer.

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    • Spiritual Warfare In A Believers Life


      1. Christ Triumphant
      2. An Antidote To Satan’s Devices
      3. Christ The Conqueror Of Satan
      4. Satan Considering The Saints
      5. How To Use The Word Of God
      6. Temptations On The Pinnacle
      7. The Roaring Lion
      8. Satanic Hindrances
      9. The Christian’s Helmet
      10. Shoes For Pilgrims And Warriors
      11. The Shield Of Faith
      12. The Sword Of The Spirit

      Additional Info
      Long before the megachurch, nearly 6,000 people crowded every service, to hear Charles Spurgeon. Discover why his masterful preaching astonished his era!

      During the remarkable thirty-eight-year ministry of Charles Spurgeon in the city of London in the 1800s, no building seemed big enough to house all those who wanted to hear him preach. Spurgeon was noted as a passionate Biblical expositor of the gospel who spoke the language of the common people and met them at the point of their deepest needs.

      Spurgeon was a seasoned veteran in meeting Satan at every corner and defeating Satan in the power of the gospel. But in keeping with his practical style, there was nothing abstract, ethereal, or mystical about Spurgeon’s teaching. He directed his focus where he found Satan at work in the lives of people-enslaving them in sin, keeping them from the influence of the gospel, hindering their spiritual development, bringing discouragement, depression, and moral failure.

      Believers need not wonder about satanic principalities and power and how they are to engage them in battle. These life-changing messages of Spurgeon will meet you where you live and help you become more than a conqueror in spiritual warfare

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    • Childrens Bible In 365 Stories


      Now your 8- to 12-year-olds can read through the Bible in one year! Updated and revised, this understandable paraphrase features a Bible story for each day with a text based on the Good News Bible.

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    • Getting Your Sex Life Off To A Great Start


      1. Dispelling Myths
      2. Getting To Know Yourself
      3. Getting To Know Each Other
      4. Clarifying Expectations
      5. Pursuing Biblical Passion
      6. Discovering And Enjoying Your Bodies
      7. Designing A Successful Honeymoon
      8. Preparing For Your First Time
      9. Choosing And Using Family-Planning Options
      10. Your Wedding Night
      11. Keeping Sex For Pleasure
      12. Getting Past Disappointments
      13. Keeping The Spark Alive

      241 Pages

      Additional Info
      This book will help you prepare, not just for your wedding night, but for a lifetime of exhilarating, fulfilling, and nurturing sexual experiences!

      *Design a successful honeymoon
      *Prepare for your first sexual time together
      *Choose and use family planning
      *Create a mutually enjoyable wedding night
      *Get past disappointments
      *Keep the spark alive

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    • It Hurts To Lose A Special Person


      When death takes a “special person,” it hurts. But it hurts a little less with time. And still less with more time.

      One morning you will wake up and your loss will not be the first thing you think about. And then you will know that it’s just a bit better than it was in the beginning. . .

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    • Gospel Of The Kingdom


      Ladd gives a clear and practical explanation of the central message of Jesus’ ministry for the general reader. Avoiding technical discusions and long arguments about issues of interpretation, Ladd has instead sought to explain the Kingdom of God and the urgency of its meaning and message for our own time. Ladd’s study of Jesus’ parables and the Sermon on the Mount is as devotional as it is instructive. In the words of Owsald Smith, Ladd’s explanatio of the concept of the Kingdom of God will “make the Bible a new book.”

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    • Absolute Surrender


      Years after his death, Murray’s works remain challenging, inspiring, and encouraging. Here he explains, with his typical wisdom and simple illustrations, the immense task of yielding your life entirely to God.

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    • RVR 1960 KJV Bilingual Bible


      All the elegance of the Reina Valera revision 1960 combined with the poetic beauty of the King James.

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    • Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit


      In this deeply spiritual and warmly evangelical book, Dr. Torrey first carefully describes who the Holy Spirit is and how one can come to know Him as a person, just as real as Jesus Christ Himself, an ever-present, loving friend and mighty helper, who is always with us. Then he goes on to describe the work of the Spirit — in the world and in the lives of Christians. His extensive study of the baptism with the Spirit is especially timely. Few people who read this book will come away without a new understanding of the Holy Spirit and a desire for the rich blessings one can realize through Him.

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    • Practice Of The Presence Of God


      1. Conversations
      2. Letters
      3. Spiritual Maxims
      4. The Life Of Brother Lawrence

      Additional Info
      Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the Kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in one single act that does not end.” He often stated that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our soul. We must merely open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence.

      As a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson through each daily chore: The time he spent in communion with the Lord should be the same, whether he was bustling around in the kitchen – with several people asking questions at the same time – or on his knees in prayer. He learned to cultivate the deep presence of God so thoroughly in his own heart that he was able to joyfully exclaim, “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am
      blessing God, praising Him, adoring Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”

      For nearly 300 years this unparalleled classic has given both blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than knowing God in all His majesty and feeling His loving presence throughout each simple day.

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    • Tongue : A Creative Force


      Words Are The Most Powerful Things in the Universe!

      The words you speak will either put you over in life or hold you in bondage. Many people have been held captive in their circumstances by their own words. The absence of God’s Word in your life will rob you of faith in His ability.

      Receive From God!
      Put yourself in a position to receive God’s best for you by speaking His Word. God’s creative power is still just as it was in the beginning of time when He stood there and said, “Light-be,” and light was. His Word spoken from your mouth and conceived in your heart becomes a spiritual force releasing His ability within you.

      Creative Power In You!
      Man was created in the image of God and His likeness. Learn to speak His faith-filled words to your situation and see your life transformed. Allow God’s creative power to flow from you.

      “I have told My people they can have what they say, but My people are saying what they have.”

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    • Pilgrims Progress In Todays English


      20 Chapters

      Additional Info
      “Now, as they approached, Mr. Greatheart drew his sword to defend the women and children….”

      Feel like the only person with struggles in the Christian life? Wonder if anyone else has traveled the same road? Millions of Christians have cherished John Bunyan’s allegorical tale of the journey Christian and Christina made to the Celestial City. Written in the 1600s, this immortal classic is now available in a modern-day, understandable text.

      Christian leaves his home in the City of Destruction and begins a long journey to the Celestial City. His adventure is full of encounters with interesting people such as Faithful, Hopeful, and Ignorance. Traveling through places such as Vanity Fair and the Valley of the Shadow of Death, he reaches his heavenly home but learns rich lessons during the journey. The story has immediate application to everyday life.

      Later on, Christian’s wife, Christina, decides to join her husband in the Celestial City. As she travels, Christina comes upon a different set of people–Greatheart, Mercy, Honesty, and others. Her story illustrates how Christians follow different paths but with the same destination-eternity with Jesus.

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    • Practice Of The Presence Of God (Reprinted)


      The Practice Of The Presence Of God
      *A Pilgrim’s Prayer
      The Spiritual Maxims Of Brother Lawrence
      *Spiritual Maxims
      *The Character Of Brother Lawrence
      *Gathered Thoughts
      112 Pages

      Additional Info
      The intimate account of how one man found God.

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