


PlaceholderAnniversary (Figurine)

    Reina Valera - 1960 (RVR)

    • Hand Size Giant Print Bible


      El nuevo y elegante diseo tipografico hace que esta Biblia tenga un texto super nitido y comodo para leer. El practico tamao permite llevar la Biblia facilmente a todo lugar. El lector disfrutara de la versatilidad de su sistema especial de referencias.

      * Palabras de Cristo en rojo
      * Referencias al final del versiculo
      * Como leer la Biblia
      * Sintesis de los libros de la Biblia
      * Que leer cuando…
      * Concordancia de 62 paginas
      * El plan de salvacion
      * 8 paginas de presentacion/registro familiar
      * 8 mapas a todo color
      * Cinta marcadora (excepto en tapa dura)

      The new and elegant typeset design results in a sharp font and easier reading. The size of this Bible is ideal to carry it everywhere you go. Readers will enjoy the versatility of the special reference system this Bible offers.

      * Words of Christ in red
      * End-of-verse references
      * How to read the Bible
      * Summary of each Bible book
      * Where to turn when…
      * 62-page concordance
      * Plan of salvation
      * 8-page presentation/family record section
      * 8 full-color maps
      * Ribbon marker (except hard cover)

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    • Gift And Award Bible


      This Gift & Award Bible features a full-color endleaf presentation page to help make any special occasion extra special.

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    • Holy Bible Slim Size


      King Solomon had all the fame and fortune that any man could want. He was the world’s wisest and wealthiest king. And yet, tragically, he threw it all away for the love of money, the pleasures of sex, and the powers of an earthly kingdom.In studying the life of Solomon, we see both the true greatness and the tragic failure of our own humanity from godly devotion to self-serving excess. Even in the midst of our best intentions, we are all prone to succumb to the same temptations of money, sex, and power. And if Solomon’s incredible wisdom could not prevent him from such tragic mistakes, then how are we to triumph over the same temptations?Philip Graham Ryken shows us how, by the grace of God, to prevent those downfalls and to seek God’s glory amid earthly temptations through this rich, Christ-centered study of the life of Solomon.

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    • Hand Size Giant Print Bible


      El nuevo y elegante diseo tipografico hace que esta Biblia tenga un texto super nitido y comodo para leer. El practico tamao permite llevar la Biblia facilmente a todo lugar. El lector disfrutara de la versatilidad de su sistema especial de referencias.

      * Palabras de Cristo en rojo
      * Referencias al final del versiculo
      * Como leer la Biblia
      * Sintesis de los libros de la Biblia
      * Que leer cuando…
      * Concordancia de 62 paginas
      * El plan de salvacion
      * 8 paginas de presentacion/registro familiar
      * 8 mapas a todo color
      * Cinta marcadora (excepto en tapa dura)

      The new and elegant typeset design results in a sharp font and easier reading. The size of this Bible is ideal to carry it everywhere you go. Readers will enjoy the versatility of the special reference system this Bible offers.

      * Words of Christ in red
      * End-of-verse references
      * How to read the Bible
      * Summary of each Bible book
      * Where to turn when…
      * 62-page concordance
      * Plan of salvation
      * 8-page presentation/family record section
      * 8 full-color maps
      * Ribbon marker (except hard cover)

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    • Hand Size Giant Print Bible


      El nuevo y elegante diseo tipografico hace que esta Biblia tenga un texto super nitido y comodo para leer. El practico tamao permite llevar la Biblia facilmente a todo lugar. El lector disfrutara de la versatilidad de su sistema especial de referencias.

      * Palabras de Cristo en rojo
      * Referencias al final del versiculo
      * Como leer la Biblia
      * Sintesis de los libros de la Biblia
      * Que leer cuando…
      * Concordancia de 62 paginas
      * El plan de salvacion
      * 8 paginas de presentacion/registro familiar
      * 8 mapas a todo color
      * Cinta marcadora (excepto en tapa dura)

      The new and elegant typeset design results in a sharp font and easier reading. The size of this Bible is ideal to carry it everywhere you go. Readers will enjoy the versatility of the special reference system this Bible offers.

      * Words of Christ in red
      * End-of-verse references
      * How to read the Bible
      * Summary of each Bible book
      * Where to turn when…
      * 62-page concordance
      * Plan of salvation
      * 8-page presentation/family record section
      * 8 full-color maps
      * Ribbon marker (except hard cover)

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    • Ultrathin Large Print Bible


      Un Reina Valera 1960 con un hermoso diseño clásico que es portátil y fácil de llevar.Una Reina Valera 1960 con un hermoso diseño clásico que es portátil y fácil de llevar.La traducción RVR60 es la más popular en español. La Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Ultrafina es ideal para llevar a la iglesia, el estudio de la Palabra y para el uso devocional.Texto completo de la RVR60Selección de mapas del Antiguo y Nuevo TestamentoFormato de doble columnaUna tabla de contenidos ampliada que ayuda a poner los libros de la Biblia en sus agrupaciones históricasTamaño de tipo legible de 10 puntosRVR60 Holy Bible Ultrathin, Large PrintA Reina Valera 1960 with a beautiful classic design that is portable and easy to carry.The RVR60 translation is the most popular Spanish language translation. The Reina Valera 1960 Santa Biblia Utrafina is a timeless and durable design, convenient for carrying to church, enjoying at home, or taking with you on the go.Features:Full text of the RVR60 translationSelection of Old Testament and New Testament mapsDouble-column formatExtended table of contents that helps put the books of the Bible in their historical groupingsReadable 10-point type size

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    • Slimline Reference Edition Large Print


      La Edicion de referencia ultrafina, letra grande ha sido una Biblia muy popular por varios aos. Esta edicion ofrece el texto tradicional de la Reina-Valera 1960 en letra grande para proveer una experiencia de lectura muy confortable para todos. Sus caracteristicas de lujo incluyen introducciones a los libros, referencias cruzadas en la columna central, un sistema de estudio de palabras con diccionario e indice de terminos en hebreo y en griego, una concordancia, mapas a todo color, las palabras de Cristo en rojo, una cinta marcadora, cantos dorados y una pagina de presentacion.

      The Edicion de referencia ultrafina, letra grande [Slimline Reference Edition, Large Print] has been a very popular Bible for many years. This edition offers the traditional Reina-Valera 1960 text in large print for a comfortable reading experience. Deluxe features include book introductions, a center-column cross-reference and word-study system with a dictionary and index of Hebrew and Greek terms, a concordance, full-color maps, the words of Christ in red, a ribbon marker, gilded page edges, and a presentation page.

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    • Journal Edition Bible


      La Reina Valera 1960 Santa Biblia Edición para Notas incluye el texto completo de la Reina-Valera 1960, el texto bíblico más usado en español. Esta edición especial, con un tamaño de letra grande en la innovadora tipografía?Comfort?Print 10, será la favorita de todo lector que desea sumergirse en la lectura de la Palabra de Dios sin distracción, debido a la altísima legibilidad y claridad de su texto.Características:Texto completo de la Reina Valera 1960Palabras de Jesús en rojoLetra exclusiva fácil de leer Comfort Print 10+Cubierta bellamente diseñada8 mapas a todo colorResumen gráficoGlosarioReferenciasPlan de salvaciónRVR60 Holy Bible Journal EditionThe Reina Valera 1960 Journal Edition includes the full text of the Reina-Valera Revision 1960, the most widely use Bible text in Spanish. This special edition, featuring a large print in the innovative Comfort Print(tm) font will be a favorite of all readers willing to immerse themselves in the Word of God without any distraction, due to its high legibility.Features:Full text of the Reina Valera 1960Helpful referencesPanoramic outlook of the BibleBrief concordanceGlossaryExclusive easy to read Comfort Print 10+Beautifully designed cover8 Full color mapsSalvation plan

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    • Gift And Award Bible


      This Gift & Award Bible features a full-color endleaf presentation page to help make any special occasion extra special.

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    • Fisher Of Men Bible Large Print


      With 5 new topics, 27 new chains, and a bigger font that is easier to read, the revised and expanded Fisher of Men Bible, is a one-of-a-kind tool that is designed to help the reader navigate through the Word of God for almost any life situation or topic of conversation. It features a guide that is divided into six main themes: Counseling, Devotion, Evangelism, Church, Christian Doctrine, and Apologetics.

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    • Large Print Compact Bible


      Ademas de tener un practico y elegante tamao, tiene una letra creada especialmente para Holman Bible Publishers. Esta Biblia ofrece referencias a pie de pagina, concordancia, guia de lectura, y mucho mas.

      * Palabras de Cristo en rojo
      * Concordancia tematica de 82 paginas
      * Pagina de presentacion
      * Seccion de registro familiar
      * 8 mapas a todo color
      * Referencias a pie de pagina
      * Cinta marcadora
      * 365 citas biblicas populares

      Along with being trim and elegant, it has a font especially created for Holman Bible Publishers. This Bible also offers end-of-page references, concordance, reading guides, and much more.

      * Words of Christ in red
      * 82-page concordance
      * Presentation page
      * Family records section
      * Full-color maps (8)
      * End-of-page references
      * Ribbon marker
      * 365 popular Bible verses

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    • Life Application Study Bible


      La Biblia de estudio Diario vivir le provee valiosa informacion acerca de los principales personajes biblicos y detalles historicos, geograficos, y cronologicos para que todo lector obtenga una mejor comprension del contexto en el que fue escrita la Escritura. Este recurso biblico utiliza la mejor erudicion para responder a las dudas que surgen en la vida real, ayudandole a aplicar la Palabra de Dios a cada situacion y circunstancia de su vida diaria. Un favorito por muchos aos, la Biblia de estudio Diario vivir sigue siendo una de las Biblias de estudio de mayor venta en la actualidad.

      This Life Application Study Bible provides valuable information about key Bible characters, as well as book introductions with vital statistics, overviews, and timelines to help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the context in which the Scriptures were written. This Bible resource makes use of the best scholarship to respond to real-life questions, helping the reader apply God’s Word to each situation and circumstance of daily life. A favorite for many years, the Life Application Study Bible continues to be one of the most popular study Bibles available today.

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    • Life Application Study Bible


      La Biblia de estudio Diario vivir le provee valiosa informacion acerca de los principales personajes biblicos y detalles historicos, geograficos, y cronologicos para que todo lector obtenga una mejor comprension del contexto en el que fue escrita la Escritura. Este recurso biblico utiliza la mejor erudicion para responder a las dudas que surgen en la vida real, ayudandole a aplicar la Palabra de Dios a cada situacion y circunstancia de su vida diaria. Un favorito por muchos aos, la Biblia de estudio Diario vivir sigue siendo una de las Biblias de estudio de mayor venta en la actualidad.

      This Life Application Study Bible provides valuable information about key Bible characters, as well as book introductions with vital statistics, overviews, and timelines to help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the context in which the Scriptures were written. This Bible resource makes use of the best scholarship to respond to real-life questions, helping the reader apply God’s Word to each situation and circumstance of daily life. A favorite for many years, the Life Application Study Bible continues to be one of the most popular study Bibles available today.

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    • Study Bible For Women


      La Biblia de Estudio para Mujeres te dara herramientas para profundizar mas en la Palabra de Dios. Tal vez el aspecto mas poderoso de esta Biblia son las hebras de estudio especializado tejidas con esmero de principio a fin, que te senalan la historia mas grande de Dios y permiten que el Espiritu Santo escriba Sus verdades reveladas en tu corazon.

      En La Biblia de Estudio para Mujeres, te uniras a una multitud de mujeres academicamente preparadas en los idiomas originales de la Biblia y apasionadas por la Palabra de Dios. Con ellas te sumergiras de manera intima y profunda en la Escritura, para recibir las herramientas que te ayuden a desentranar las riquezas y la majestad de Su Palabra, y para encender la pasion para guiar a otros a tu alrededor a que hagan lo mismo. La Biblia de Estudio para Mujeres incluye el texto completo de la Biblia Version Reina Valera 1960.

      Algunas de sus caracteristicas son: extensos comentarios en notas, estudios de palabras, respuestas a preguntas dificiles, notas doctrinales, articulos biblicos sobre la condicion de la mujer, perfiles de personajes, aplicaciones Escritas sobre Mi Corazon, extensas introducciones a los libros, paginas de presentacion, mapas intercalados con el texto, cuadros y lineas del tiempo, una seccion de mapas a todo color y una concordancia.

      The Study Bible for Women will equip you to reach deep into God’s Word. Perhaps the single most powerful aspect of this Bible are the “threads” of specialized study thoughtfully woven throughout, pointing you to God’s larger story and allowing the Holy Spirit to write His revealed truths on your heart.

      In The Study Bible for Women, you’ll join a host of other women, all academically trained in the original languages of the Bible and passionate about God’s Word, for an intimately deep dive into Scripture that will equip you to unlock the riches and majesty of His Word, and ignite a passion to mentor others in your life to do the same. The Study Bible for Women includes the full text of the Holman Christian Standard Bible, a clear, contemporary English translation that’s faithful to the original languages of the Bible.

      Features include extensive commentary notes, word studies, answers to hard questions, doctrinal notes, Biblical womanhood articles, character profiles, Written on My Heart applications, extensive book introductions, presentation pages, in-text maps, charts & timelines, full-color maps section and concordance.

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    • Notetaking Bible


      A first-of-its-kind, this beautiful Bible allows you to capture your spiritual journey with God, right on the pages beside your favorite verses and passages of scripture. From the struggles in life to times of joy and happiness, and through all the moments in between, write down and illustrate your thoughts, prayers, and reflections as a meaningful reminder of God’s love and faithfulness for years to come.

      The RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes is bound in genuine leather and printed cloth over board, with abundant space for note-taking or illustrations on each page. Whether sketching an inspirational picture, writing down a personal thought, taking notes at a bible study, or simply expressing adoration for God, the RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes will become a personal, illustrated reflection of your relationship with your Savior.

      From your heart onto the pages of God’s Word-let your creative journey begin today.

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    • Notetaking Bible


      A first-of-its-kind, this beautiful Bible allows you to capture your spiritual journey with God, right on the pages beside your favorite verses and passages of scripture. From the struggles in life to times of joy and happiness, and through all the moments in between, write down and illustrate your thoughts, prayers, and reflections as a meaningful reminder of God’s love and faithfulness for years to come.

      The RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes is bound in genuine leather and printed cloth over board, with abundant space for note-taking or illustrations on each page. Whether sketching an inspirational picture, writing down a personal thought, taking notes at a bible study, or simply expressing adoration for God, the RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes will become a personal, illustrated reflection of your relationship with your Savior.

      From your heart onto the pages of God’s Word-let your creative journey begin today.

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    • Bible For Women After Gods Own Heart


      La Biblia de la mujer conforme al corazon de Dios es una Biblia que te informa e instruye, te inspira y edifica, y te deleita y ayuda cada dia. Entre sus herramientas de estudio la Biblia incluye introducciones a los libros de la Biblia, 172 biografias de las principales mujeres y hombres de la Biblia, 25 articulos de sabiduria y 400 perlas de sabiduria, lecturas devocionales diarias, lecciones para la mujer de hoy y mas. The Bible for Women After God’s Own Heart is a Bible that informs and teaches, inspires and helps you grow, and will delight and help you every day. This Bible includes introductions to all of the books of the Bible, 172 biographies of the main women and men of the Bible, 25 wisdom articles and 400 wisdom pearls, daily devotions, lessons for today’s women and more.

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    • Giant Large Print Bible


      For the first time a large print Bible in compact size! This elegant edition is readable, but at the same time, light to carry.

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    • New Scofield Study Bible


      El nombre Scofield y su famoso sistema de estudio biblico son bien reconocidos y confiables a nivel mundial, no solamente por eruditos y pastores sino por miles de estudiantes de la Palabra. A traves de las Escrituras, los inigualables apuntes expositorios revelan el caracter progresivo de los negocios de Dios con la humanidad. La Nueva Biblia de Estudio Scofield es una edicion revisada y actualizada de las notas de la misma.

      The name Scofield and his well-known Bible study system is a trusted and well recognized name world wide, not only by academicians and pastors but with thousands of students of the Word in every walk of life. Throughout the scriptures the unique Scofield expository notes reveal the progressive character of God’s dealings with mankind. The New Scofield Study Bible is a revised and updated edition.

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    PlaceholderAnniversary (Figurine)