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Christian Living

Showing 301–350 of 354 results

  • Anonymous : Jesus Hidden Years And Yours


    We all experience times of hiddenness, when our potential is unseen and our abilities unapplauded. This book redeems those times by reminding us that though we often want to rush through these anonymous seasons of the soul, they hold enormous power to cultivate character traits that cannot be developed any other way!

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  • Young Mans Guide To Making Right Choices


    Guiding a boy toward making right choices will equip him to think carefully about his decisions, assuring a more fulfilling and successful life.

    In this book, Jim George focuses on all the high points of a young man’s life-the things that matter most. Teen guys will learn…
    *why prayer and Bible reading are so essential
    *what makes for the best kinds of friendships
    *how school and social skills contribute to a strong future
    *how to stand strong against temptation and peer pressure
    *what contributes to healthy and biblical perspectives on dating and purity

    Young men will enjoy Jim’s balance of biblical insight, personal anecdotes, and candid forthrightness. And they’ll gain the skills they need for making right choices in response to all the challenges that come their way.

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  • Well


    Why are so many so close to the Well and still so thirsty? Mark Hall takes the powerful story of the Woman at the Well and her encounter with Jesus to help readers understand that the ‘wells’ we go to for life and sustenance, the ‘wells’ of success, talent, control, favor, religion, etc., are keeping us from relying on Jesus and his abundant life, and we will never be truly satisfied until we realize that and go to Him for our needs.

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  • Enemies Of The Heart


    Break free from the destructive power of guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy.

    Divorce. Job loss. Estrangement from family members. Broken friendships.

    The difficult circumstances you are dealing with today are likely being fed by one of four emotional forces that compels you to act in undesirable ways, sometimes even against your will.

    Andy Stanley explores each of these destructive forces-guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy-and how they infiltrate your life and damage your relationships. He says that left unchallenged they have the power to destroy your home, your career, and your friendships.

    In Enemies of the Heart, Andy offers practical, biblical direction to help you fight back, to take charge of those feelings that mysteriously control you, and to restore your broken relationships.

    Includes a four-week discussion guide-a valuable resource for small groups!

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  • Love And War Devotional For Couples


    John and Stasi’s essential, hard-won advice and solid biblical truth for couples to love well and win the war against complacency every day.
    A personal, intimate devotional for husbands and wives to dig deeper into the insights from the Eldredge’s best-selling book, Love and War, with specific advice and exercises for discovering the most fulfilling relationship possible.

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  • Christianity Beyond Belief


    Todd Hunter presents a new paradigm for Christian discipleship that shows how salvation is not just a question of whether we are saved but also a call to progressively grow more like Christ. Hunter’s biblical perspective might just change the way you look at life forever.

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  • On Guard : Defending Your Faith With Reason And Precision


    An excellent training manual for defending the Christian faith! Equipping believers to stand their ground, Craig offers four arguments for God’s existence, defends the historicity of Jesus’ personal claims and resurrection, addresses the problem of suffering, and shows why religious relativism isn’t viable. Discover not only what you believe but why!

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  • Meeting Of The Waters


    The Meeting of the Waters identifies seven trends having a major impact on the Church around the world – and on every Christian at home in every country.

    The global community of Christians is stunning in its scope and spiritual impact. But what is happening to the Church as new technology, marketing, and generational shifts make their unavoidable mark? And what difference does it make for Christians in day-to-day life?

    Equal parts travelogue, character study, and global documentary, The Meeting of the Waters interlaces stories and instruction in the tradition of Freakonomics, The World is Flat, and The Tipping Point. This breakthrough book is for any Christian eager to make a difference in a changing world.

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  • Language Of Love And Respect


    An in-depth study of why your communication styles are not wrong, just different! Finally an answer for the number one problem in marriages-communication! This in-depth study of the vital principles of cross-gender communication helps couples recognize they speak twodifferent languages. They are sending each other messages in ‘code’ but won’t be able to crack that code until they realize that she listens to hear the language of love and he listens for respect. Most advice on this subject fails to understand that husbands and wives are wired very differently, and when those wires get crossed, the communication sparks can fly! Dr. Eggerich’s best-selling book, Love and Respect, launched a revolution in how couples relate to each other. In The Language of Love and Respect he shares how that message can be applied.

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  • Knowledge Of The Holy


    Informative and inspiring, The Knowledge of the Holy illuminates God’s attributes–from wisdom, to grace, to mercy–and shows through prayerful and discussion, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects. This book will be treasured by anyone committed to the Christian faith. It bears eloquent witness to God’s majesty and shows us new ways to experience and understand the wonder and the power of God’s spirit in our daily lives.

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  • New Bible Cure For Depression And Anxiety (Revised)


    People today need and want specifics about how to feel better, look better, and live longer, healthier lives. In each book of the Bible Cure series, readers will find helpful alternative medical information together with uplifting and faith-building biblical truths. Covering disorders and health issues common to men, women, and children today, these brief, easy-to-access books are the perfect addition to any bookshelf.

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  • Gods Creative Power Will Work For You


    This best selling minibook, in English, Charles Capps shows how you can learn to release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Includes scriptures and confessions to follow for several subjects and circumstances. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over! Over 3 million copies of this booklet are in print. People use this booklet to make their daily ‘Word’ confessions. Many people buy dozens of these gems and give them away, producing some great miracles in people’s lives.

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  • Praying : Finding Our Way Through Duty To Delight


    Table Of Contents
    Author’s Note
    To The Reader
    1. The God We Pray To
    2. The Path And The By Paths
    3. Brooding
    4. Praising
    5. Prayer Checkup
    6. Asking
    7. Complaining
    8. Hanging On
    9. Joining In
    10. With My Whole Heart
    Postscript To Christians Becalmed In Their Praying
    For Discussion And Reflection
    Further Reading
    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom show how prayer is an essential, expected practice as a follower of Christ, but also a privilege and joy. With wisdom, humility and sincerity the authors lead us through different moods of praying, including brooding, praising, asking, complaining and hanging on. Their personal stories offer hope and encouragement to those who pray.

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  • Christians Secret Of A Happy Life


    Though her life was difficult, Hannah Whitall Smith’s message was joyful. In the Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, she writes that “Jesus came to save you fully now, in this life, from the power and dominion of sin, and to deliver you altogether.” Passionate and practical, Whitall Smith’s classic of the Holiness movement focuses not on human effort but on simple, stubborn faith in the Savior and Sanctifier of the soul. “Our part is the trusting,” she writes, “it is His to accomplish the results.”

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  • Young Womans Guide To Making Right Choices


    Elizabeth George, author of A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart (more than 230,000 copies sold), offers another life-changing teen book-A Young Woman’s Guide to Making Right Choices. Today’s teens are bombarded with choices about attitudes, behaviors, friends, clothes, finances, and college. And with the rise of alcohol, drugs, sexual issues, and crime, they must make serious decisions daily. Bible teacher Elizabeth George takes teens through the step-by-step process of making decisions that are life-affirming, godly, and wise in areas that include- managing emotions improving relationships developing confidence living in the center of God’s will avoiding trouble and bad situations Teens will discover checkpoints to use as guides for making decisions, and they will learn to take the long view when considering consequences. Young women will also realize the tremendous wisdom, guidance, and answers available in God’s Word. Great for individuals, small groups, and mentoring.

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  • Tough Questions About Christianity Pamphlet


    This 14-page pamphlet is perfect for people who are questioning their faith or are skeptical about Christianity have many common objections to Christianity that may not be answered by traditional arguments, such as:

    1. Does it even matter what I believe?
    2. Aren’t all religions basically the same?
    3. Isn’t it arrogant for Christians to claim they have the truth?
    4. How can anyone say what’s right and wrong?
    5. How can Christians keep believing in God when evolution is a proven fact?
    6. How can Christianity be good for people when it has caused so much injustice?
    7. If God exists, why is there so much wrong with this world?
    8. Why does God allow bad things to happen to me?
    9. If God loves everyone, how can he send people to hell?
    10. Why be a Christian when there are so many hypocrites in churches?

    Here are quick answers to help people sort out life and faith. Useful as a discussion starter and evangelism tool. Quick, easy-to-understand,14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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  • Becoming The Answer To Our Prayers


    Activists Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove show how prayer and action must go together. Their exposition of key Bible passages provides concrete examples of how a life of prayer fuels social engagement and the work of justice.

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  • Compelled By Love


    How one couple changed the world through the simple power of love in action.

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  • Parenting From Surviving To Thriving


    In Parenting: From Surviving to Thriving, beloved pastor and teacher Dr. Charles Swindoll explores God’s divine plan for successful families. Do you see parenting as an opportunity to grow closer to your heavenly father or as one more trip to the grocery store, one more soccer practice, one more troubled teen? Whatever parents know of parenting, they know this: it can be difficult. But what happens when you put God in the middle of a choatic house? Dr. Swindoll is convinced that God made you a parent for a reason. In fact, it’s part of His divine plan for you. Knowing that many are treading the parental waters, Parenting: From Surviving to Thriving offers Dr. Swindoll’s trademark biblical advice to get you from dread to joy, from exasperation to empowerment.

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  • Heart Of A Leader (Expanded)


    Ken Blanchard’s powerful leadership classic is more relevant today than ever. Ken Blanchard – one of America’s best-known leadership experts – helps readers understand and experience the art of influence thorugh the greatest life and leadership lessons he’s learned in his rich career. Arranged for busy schedules, The Heart of a Leader offers Blanchard’s most important insights in an accessible format. Thoroughly challenging and deeply inspiring, this classic captures the profound wisdom and valuable insight only Ken Blanchard can deliver.

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  • How To Argue So Your Spouse Will Listen


    If you are a couple, you’ve most likely had an argument. Big or small, it can ruin your day and, even worse, your relationship. Dr. Sharon Morris May says, “It’s not how similar you are or even your level of conflict that determines your marital success but how you deal with your emotions, vulnerabilities, and dragons when you argue.” Dr. Sharon views conflict through the lens of the attachment theory, helping us understand: why we argue, how we argue, and how to unravel our arguments. She helps us identify what’s really going on in our brains and body when we argue, the cycles we get stuck in, the emotions fueling the cycles, and then helps us to argue in more considerate and connecting ways. She also offers six practical principles that help turn arguments into conversations: Establish a Safe Haven Comfort Dragons Get Inside Emotions Learn How to Complain Learn How to Apologize Bookend it with Good Times Learning how to argue so your spouse will listen will change your marriage and change your life!

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  • Art Of Caregivinig


    Written to empower the reader, this book will be a candle of joyful hope to the loved one whose life has been dimmed, if not darkened, by cancer. Cancer treatment is often a night-time journey through a wilderness, during which patients and their caregivers are confronted with worry and fear; a journey where the slightest flicker of hope means more than words can express. Michael S. Barry shows how, with God’s help, readers can be the light of hope for those who bear the burden of illness.

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  • Grace Abounding To The Chief Of Sinners


    SKU (ISBN): 9781598561425ISBN10: 1598561421John BunyanBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2007Hendrickson Christian ClassicsPublisher: Hendrickson Publishers

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  • Spiritual Slavery To Spiritual Sonship


    What would life be like with no fear? If you could feel completely at home and at rest in the intimate love of God? We all face two choices in life: to live life as if we have a home or to live life as if we do not have a home. Many Christians live like orphans because they have never made it past their fears and into a place of rest and safety. Are you one of them? Lay aside your orphan mindset. Come in from the storm and find rest! Discover your true identity-and your true home-as a beloved son/daughter of the Father.

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  • Book On Leadership


    In The Book on Leadership, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur sets the record straight: Leadership does not come from a job title, but from a much deeper source. Based on the writings of the apostle Paul, MacArthur presents the “26 Characteristics of a True Leader” for anyone at work, church, school, or home.

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  • For Young Women Only


    Guys will be guys. And now girls can know what that means! For Young Women Only dives into the mysterious inner-workings of the teenage male mind so that you can begin to understand why guys say and do what they do. Exploring critical topics including respect, insecurity, appearance, physical affection, and the “tough and tender”-ness of guys, this book is also packed with “ask the expert” sections, quotes, and fun personal stories from guys in all walks of life. Why is he so visually stimulated? You may wish it weren’t so, but that won’t make it so. I don’t want to put on a front for him to like me. Actually, he wants your genuineness, too! This book will help you grasp how God wired the opposite sex so you can enjoy your relationships with them.

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  • 12 Ordinary Men


    Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God’s work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men – fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots – and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ’s careful, hands-on training of the original twelve disciples for today’s modern disciple – you.

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  • Experiencing Fathers Embrace


    Experiencing Father’s Embrace is an excellent resource for anyone interested in growing or ministering in the Father’s love message. The author’s style of writing makes this book easy to read, yet it is one of the most thorough and profoundly impacting books available on knowing God as a Father.

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  • Boundaries With Teens


    In this exciting new book, Dr. Townsend gives important keys for establishing healthy boundaries-the bedrock of good relationships, maturity, safety, and growth for teens and the adults in their lives. The book offers help in raising your teens to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions.

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  • Next Generation Leader


    The church needs energetic new leaders, and today young people all around the country are eager to serve God. Stanley shares material from his leadership training sessions, developed to mentor promising candidates in five areas—clarity, character, courage, competency, and coaching. His proven plan will help you equip those around you for their God-given ministries.

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  • Game Plan : The Mens 30 Day Strategy For Attaining Sexual Integrity


    Men everywhere are under attack-your neighbor, your coworker, your pastor, even your husband. And, even in Christian homes, 40% of men have fallen to this foe that can destroy marriages and ruin lives.

    Who is this devastating adversary? Pornography. It floods our airwaves and PCs, assaulting the senses, and luring its prey to return again and again.

    Drawing from seventeen years of counseling practice, and using material that he’s taught for more than ten years, Joe Dallas is helping readers face this enemy. Equipping those who have been caught up in pornography or other forms of sexual sin with the ability to abandon that behavior and never return.

    Using the acronym ROUTE-Repentance, Order, Understanding, Training, and Endurance-Dallas walks readers through the steps necessary to attain-and maintain-sexual integrity.

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  • Grace Disguised (Revised)


    In an instant, a tragic accident claimed the lives of three generations of Jerry Sittser’s family: his mother, his wife, and his young daughter. In A Grace Disguised Jerry explores the depth of our sorrows, whether due to illness, death, or divorce, and the grace of God that can transform us. This new expanded edition includes a new preface, epilogue, and discussion questions.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence


    After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed He was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but they were helping her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus Calling. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless you with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.

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  • Margin : Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, And Time Reserves To Ove (Rev


    Progress. It has us hooked. We’re addicted to twenty-first century high-velocity living. Our brains and bodies are in a perpetual state of alert to the constant change. All of the technology designed to save time and improve productivity only contribute to the flood of daily events that seem beyond our control. Newly revised and updated, this book is Dr. Richard Swenson’s groundbreaking prescription against the dangers of overlooked living. This best-selling book offers guidelines for healthy living in four areas–emotional energy, physical energy, time, and finances–so we can live a balanced life.

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  • Love And Respect


    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

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  • Ill Hold You In Heaven (Reprinted)


    What happened to my baby after he or she died? Will I ever see my baby again-and will I recognize him? What happens if I’ve had an abortion? Does God have a reason for letting my child die? How can I help a friend who’s in grief? With compassionate answers for your troubling questions, God’s Word shines with hope in the dark night of human pain. God showed his tenderness when David lost the child he had with Bathsheba shortly. In his pain and grief, David spoke the word of revelation-the reassuring word of God’s truth-saying, “I will go to (my child) but he will not return to me” (2 Samuel 12:19-23).

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  • Abide In Christ


    So many Christians, instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He as offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and experience the unspeakable joy of swelling with the King of Kings. Andrew Murray knew what it meant to be continually in the Father’s presence. Read these thirty-one heart-searching readings and learn how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with Him. Accept God’s invitation and live in His blessing and glory instead of shuffling your feet at the gate.

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind Updated Edition (Expanded)


    In celebration of selling 3 million copies, FaithWords published a special updated edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND.

    Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to change their lives by changing their minds.

    She teaches how to deal with thousands of thoughts that people think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truth-and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way.

    This special updated edition includes an additional introduction and updated content throughout the book.

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  • Jesus Style


    SKU (ISBN): 9781565992252ISBN10: 1565992253Gayle ErwinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: Yahshua Publishing

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  • Boundaries With Kids


    Since the 1992 release of their Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have heard these three questions rephrased thousands of times. As parents begin to realize the tremendous impact poor boundaries have had on their own lives, their concern naturally extends to their children. How can they help their sons and daughters form healthy boundaries that lead to well-rounded characters and successful adult lives? Now there are answers. Boundaries with Kids helps parents apply the Ten Laws of Boundaries (first described in Boundaries) to the challenges of raising children. In their popular, readable style, Cloud and Townsend help moms and dads make choices and develop a parenting approach that sees beyond the moment to the adults their children will become. For parents who want their kids to escape the struggles they themselves have experienced, here’s an in-depth look at how to implement the preventive medicine of character development by establishing sound boundaries – starting with the parents. Boundaries with Kids helps moms and dads learn how to

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  • Is That Really You God (Revised)


    The exciting story of Youth With A Mission has much to teach us about the art of listening to God as we seek to be used by Him. This book is not only a practical guide to hearing God’s voice but also an amazing testimony to how following His direction can impact our lives and the world for the glory of God’s kingdom.

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  • Ministry Of Intercession


    According to Andrew Murray, prayer is the most dynamic opportunity available to God’s children. It not only strengthens our own faith, but it enables us to intercede for others with tremendous results.< This book will inspire and energize your times alone with God. It is a renowned classic with a timeless message of encouragement and inspiration.

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  • Intercession : Thrilling And Fulfilling


    Do you desire rapid spiritual growth? Do you want to enter a deeper dimension of effective ministry without leaving home? Do you long to be involved in a ministry that shapes nations? Do you want to be free from guilt of prayerlessness — permanently? Do you want to know practical steps of how to make it happen? Are you ready to be inspired, stretched and changed? When the truths in this book are applied, these desires will be fulfilled; you will be ruined for the ordinary and never again think prayer is dull.

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  • Joyful Christian



    117 Topics In 228 Pages

    Additional Info
    C. S. Lewis, himself a convert, wrote of being “surprised by joy” when he discovered his belief in Jesus Christ. In these 127 devotional readings, selected from Lewis’s many works on faith and spirituality, Christians everywhere can share in the joy of this master theologian as he discusses topics ranging from the nature of prayer and good works to psychoanalysis and fascism. In The Joyful Christian, Lewis offers inspiration for all those who hunger and thirst after joy.

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  • Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World


    Ever feel that no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough? Maybe it’s time to follow Mary’s example: leave the dishes in the sink and sit at Jesus’ feet! Through practical strategies and devotional illustrations, Weaver explains how “living room intimacy” with Christ is the key to successful “kitchen service” in the world.

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  • Apples Of Gold (Student/Study Guide)


    Everything you need to start a women’s mentoring ministry based on Titus 2:3–5! In Huizenga’s warm-hearted guide, you’ll find advice on how older women can nurture younger ones; Bible studies on topics like loving your husband, nurturing children, submission, kindness, homemaking, and hospitality; mouthwatering recipes and creative menu ideas for meetings; and more.

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  • E M Bounds On Prayer


    7 Parts In 96 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Prayer that gets results

    Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! E.M. Bounds knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. He reveals these principles and illustrates how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times. He also uncovers how you can…

    – Have direct communication with God
    – Maintain a prayer life that produces results
    – Overcome Satan and his hold on prayer
    – Obtain all that God has for you
    – Discover all the possibilities of prayer

    Since the time of the apostles, no man besides E. M. Bounds has left such a rich inheritance of biblical research into the life of prayer. Here are teachings that form the only effective barrier against the powers of evil that prevail throughout the present world. Through his writings, you will discover how you can have a totally effective prayer life and how you can know the fullness of divine power.

    “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.”
    — John 16:34

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  • Boundaries In Dating


    Boundaries in Dating provides those in the dating world a way to think, solve problems, and enjoy the benefits of dating in the fullest way, including increasing their ability to find and commit to a marriage partner.

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  • My Heart Christs Home (Revised)


    The Study
    The Dining Room
    The Living Room
    The Workroom
    The Rec Room
    The Bedroom
    The Hall Closet
    Transferring The Title

    Additional Info
    In this booklet, Robert Boyd Munger emphasizes the need for Christians to be wholeheartedly devoted to Christ.

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  • Conspiracy Of Kindness (Anniversary)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830734078ISBN10: 0830734074Steve SjogrenBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Regal Books

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