


638713260239 Sisters By Heart (Figurine)Sisters By Heart (Figurine)

    Charismatic Interests

    • Pursuing the Heart of God – A Ninety-Day Journey : Laying Hold Of God’s Call On Your Life


      We live in a world that is loud – so loud that it is hard to hear Jesus speak. But if we are Jesus followers, taking time daily to listen to Him in the midst of all the noise is our lifeblood.

      This devotional has three goals in mind: helping us embrace the kingdom of God, deepening our journeys with Jesus, and strengthening us to engage in prayer and spiritual warfare. If we are going to make an impact for Jesus in this world, we need to understand and embrace kingdom values. Then we need to be firmly planted in God in the chaos of our world so we can be a shelter for others who are lost. Finally, we must not give way to fear but rather exercise the authority of the Father in prayer and warfare so that we can build His kingdom in people’s lives.

      Jesus has not called us to live easy lives. He wants us to be strong in Him, firmly planted in His Word, and empowered by His Spirit, so that we can participate with Him in building His kingdom. As we become kingdom people, God will grow us into mighty men and women of God, and He will touch others’ lives through us in ways that will amaze us, bless the world, and glorify God.

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    • Spiritual Gifts Blueprint


      Are You Doing What God Created You to Do?

      Can you identify your spiritual gifting or understand God’s purpose for your life? If you can’t confidently answer yes, you’re not alone. Yet there is a simple, biblical framework to finding your God-given gifts and finding His purposes for your life–and it leads to a relationship with the Trinity you never imagined.

      Offering clear explanations and biblical depth, veteran ministry leader Andy Reese offers a fresh and practical blueprint to Paul’s teachings on spiritual gifts and God’s intended spiritual connection to the Trinity, including how to:

      * simply discover your unique gifting and use it to impact others
      * see your God-intended purposes come to life in amazing ways
      * connect intimately with Jesus and the Father
      * experience the Holy Spirit and His working within and through you

      Your gifts are not defined by your job or talents. It’s time to discover why you were created–and experience a deeper relationship with the One who created you.

      Includes hands-on assessments!

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    • Trusting the Heart of God : Building Faith In Difficult Days


      A worldwide pandemic. Racial conflict. Political and social upheaval. We are living in unprecedented times.

      If we are going to be steady and thrive in difficult days, we have to be rooted and grounded in Jesus.

      Trusting the Heart of God a ninety day devotional taken from the video talks Pastor Dan Carroll gave during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, will encourage you to put down deep roots, build strong faith, and become a super conqueror in Jesus.

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    • Bound to the Heart of God – A Ninety-Day Journey : Why A Deep Commitment To Him Really Counts


      How will you respond when tough times come? We all know what it’s like to be under pressure. Personal difficulties and a divided culture daily pressure us to give in to fear, discouragement, or compromise. We’re in good company—many of God’s people in the Bible faced the same difficulties we do, and even worse ones. But when tough circumstances and godless societies pressed Nehemiah, David, and Daniel to cave in, they stood firm in their commitment to God—and it changed their worlds. Their courageous choices didn’t just happen—they sprang from a deep commitment to the Father. Come and spend time cultivating a relationship with God in this ninety-day devotional. Then when the pressures of life threaten you, you will be steady under pressure, and your faithfulness will impact the world for Christ.

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    • Into the Heart of God – A Ninety-Day Journey : Finding Your Destiny In His Presence


      Have you ever asked God how He wants to use you to touch neighborhoods and nations? If we are to become the people God hungers to make us—people who know God, surrender fully to Him, care for others, and invest in God’s kingdom—then meeting with God each day is crucial. As with David, who often worshiped the Lord alone in creation, spending time with God will lead us into deep friendship with Him. God wants to meet our deepest needs and build His destiny into our hearts—and He does that when we grow deep into His heart. Walk with Jesus on this ninety-day devotional journey, and see how He transforms you and leads you to His destiny for your life.

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    • Deep Wounds Deep Healing (Reprinted)


      A poor self-image. Chronic depression. A bitter divorce. The trauma of sexual abuse. Why do some wounds fester and refuse to heal, even after we seek help from those who specialize in treating deep emotional pain? Kraft believes that in order to experience real and lasting freedom from a painful past, we must understand the powerful link between spiritual warfare and inner healing. It is only when we recognize and reject the enemy’s influence on our most hurtful memories that we can receive complete restoration in mind, heart, and spirit. Deep Wounds, Deep Healing is a complete guide to deep-level healing. Whether readers are seeking restoration for themselves or for those under their care, this book will enable them to recognize the spiritual roots of emotional wounds and invite God’s presence into those darkest of places. His power is the hope of freedom and inner healing.

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    • Gods Creative Power For Finances


      Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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    • Gods Creative Power For Healing



      God’s Creative Power Will Work for You, by Charles Capps, first published in 1976, has sold more than 2.3 million copies! The lives of Christians around the world have been revolutionized by the powerful principles of confessing God’s Word found within its pages.

      Now God’s Creative Power for Healing is here to follow in its footsteps.

      This powerful book combines all new teaching with scripture confessions for heating. You will learn how you can release the ability of God for your healing by the words of your mouth!

      Faith-filled words will put you over – God’s Creative Power for Healing will work for you!

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    • Gods Creative Power Will Work For You


      This best selling minibook, in English, Charles Capps shows how you can learn to release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Includes scriptures and confessions to follow for several subjects and circumstances. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over! Over 3 million copies of this booklet are in print. People use this booklet to make their daily ‘Word’ confessions. Many people buy dozens of these gems and give them away, producing some great miracles in people’s lives.

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    • Tongue : A Creative Force


      Words Are The Most Powerful Things in the Universe!

      The words you speak will either put you over in life or hold you in bondage. Many people have been held captive in their circumstances by their own words. The absence of God’s Word in your life will rob you of faith in His ability.

      Receive From God!
      Put yourself in a position to receive God’s best for you by speaking His Word. God’s creative power is still just as it was in the beginning of time when He stood there and said, “Light-be,” and light was. His Word spoken from your mouth and conceived in your heart becomes a spiritual force releasing His ability within you.

      Creative Power In You!
      Man was created in the image of God and His likeness. Learn to speak His faith-filled words to your situation and see your life transformed. Allow God’s creative power to flow from you.

      “I have told My people they can have what they say, but My people are saying what they have.”

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    638713260239 Sisters By Heart (Figurine)Sisters By Heart (Figurine)